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Minor update 4.2

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@Jochyoua Jochyoua released this 25 Jul 19:55


  • If you have the permission "MCSF.dontfilterme", (no one has this by default) messages will not be filtered for you.
  • Hex RGB support added for variables, the format is &#RRGGBB
  • Sign filtering is now relative to the player's view distance rather than the server's view distance which could be larger than that. Although, since this was recently added in 2018 if any errors were to occur because of it, it would default to the server's view distance instead.
  • Re-translation of de_de.yml (Thank you Xirado)
  • No longer requires ProtocolLib to be installed
    • Without ProtocolLib although player chat will still be filtered, messages from other plugins will not.


  • Fixed issue with logging message with only_filter_player being sent for each player that's online
  • Fixed issue with 1.8.8 not working due to bungee cord API message sending
  • Fixed issue with reset command resetting whitelist data to blacklist data
  • Fixed issue with duplicates attempting to be saved into databases
  • Fixed issue with finding match results #3