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Kloudless File Explorer

The Kloudless File Explorer is a JavaScript library that allows your users to browse and select files and folders from their storage services. It comes in two modes: a chooser and a saver.

Visit our JSFiddle example of the File Explorer!



Embedding the Kloudless javascript library will expose a global Kloudless object. The JS file is currently hosted on S3 and can be embedded in your page using this tag:

<script type="text/javascript"

You can then create an element on the page to launch the explorer.

<script type="text/javascript">
  var explorer = window.Kloudless.explorer({
    // Explorer Initialization options here.
    app_id: "Your App ID",

Be sure to serve the page via a web server, as pages opened via the file URI scheme (file://) cannot receive messages sent via postMessage due to security concerns.

The File Explorer can be configured to be either a chooser or a saver. An iframe will be created by the JS library to view the explorer.


The Chooser allows your application to prompt a user to select files or a folder, and retrieves metadata about the files or folder selected. It supports choosing files from the local machine as well as cloud storage.


The Saver allows your application to prompt a user to select a folder to save files to and file metadata will be returned to the developer. It supports single and multiple files.


The File Explorer has the following configuration options:

Chooser and Saver

  • app_id : string

    Chooser: Required

    Saver: Required

    The application ID is specific to the developer's application and is located in the developer portal on the App Details page.

  • computer : boolean

    Chooser: Optional (default: false)

    Saver: Optional (default: false)

    This option allows users to upload/download files directly from/to their computer. Saving to the computer is currently unavailable and will be coming soon.

    Configuring the Chooser's Upload Location

    The Chooser will upload files to the developer's Upload Location. The Upload Location can be set in the developer portal under 'App Details', by selecting a folder in a storage service such as Amazon S3. All local files from a user will be uploaded there.

  • persist : string

    Chooser: "none", "local", "session" (default: "local")

    Saver: "none", "local", "session" (default: "local")

    This option specifies account persistence for the explorer in either localStorage, sessionStorage, or no storage. The explorer will always fall back to localStorage if an invalid option is given.

  • services : array

    Chooser: Optional (default: ['file_store'])

    Saver: Optional (default: ['file_store'])

    This option specifies which services to allow a user to explore. You can enumerate the specific services or service groups. The default is the file store service group. If you specify an empty array, no services will show up.

Chooser options

  • multiselect : boolean

    Chooser: Optional (default: false)

    This option allows a user to select multiple files using the Chooser. The Chooser will return a list of one or more entries.

  • link : boolean

    Chooser: Optional (default: true)

    This option adds an additional parameter to the Chooser's response with a link to the file chosen in the file explorer.

      // Response
      // [{
      //    ...
      //    "link":
      //    ...
      // }]
  • direct_link : boolean

    Chooser: Optional (default: false)

    This option is specific to links generated through the file explorer. If false, the link redirects to the cloud storage service to view the file. If true, the link will download the file instead. See the direct attribute for more details.

  • copy_to_upload_location : boolean

    Chooser: Optional (default: false)

    If true, this option will copy any file selected by the user from cloud storage to the location files uploaded from the user's computer are placed in. An Upload Location must be configured via the developer portal to make use of this option.

    The copying happens in the background asynchronously and will eventually complete. The metadata provided in the callback to the success event is that of the copied file(s) and not that of the original file(s).

  • create_folder : boolean

    Chooser: Optional (default: true)

    Saver: Optional (default: true)

    If true, the user will be able to create folders in their cloud storage accounts.

  • types : array

    Chooser: Default: ['all']

    This option specifies which types of elements the explorer will show to the user. You can filter based on file extension or by the following categories:

    • all This configures the explorer to show all file types and folders. The user can select either files or folders. Do not combine with other options.

    • folders This configures the explorer to gray out files and show folders. The user can only select folders.

    • files This configures the explorer to show all file types. The user can only select files.

    • text

    • documents

    • images

    • videos

    • audio

  • account_key : boolean

    Chooser: Optional (default: false)

    This option will include Account Keys in addition to the other response data, to allow you to make further requests to the API or save the Account Keys easily.

      // Example response with an Account Key in the metadata.
          account_key: {
            key: "the_account_key",

    Only File Explorers launched from Trusted Domains can make use of this option. You can add a Trusted Domain on the App Details page.

    In addition, care should be taken to ensure no malicious JavaScript or XSS vulnerabilities are present on the page, as the Account Key provides complete access to that user's account. To guard against this, you can make requests from a backend server using the API Key instead.

  • keys : array

    Chooser: Optional (default: [])

    This option should list Account Keys for accounts the File Explorer should be initialized with. The File Explorer will make API requests for additional information on the accounts and display them in the list of accounts the user has connected.

      // Example initialization with Account Keys to import.
        keys: ["abcdefghijklmn", "opqrstuvwxyz"]

Saver options

  • files : array

    Saver: Optional (default: [])

    This option should list files for the File Explorer to save. The format should be an array of Javascript Objects containing a file url and name. You can specify up to 100 files.

      // Example initialization with files to save.
        files: [{
          "url": "http://<your image url>",
          "name": "filename.extension"
        }, {
          "url": "http://<your image url>",
          "name": "filename.extension"


  • success(files)

    The success event handler will fire when the user's operation succeeds. files is an array of file/folder metadata. The File Explorer will be closed on success.

  • cancel()

    Fired if the user decides to cancel an operation. The File Explorer will be closed on cancellation.

  • error(error)

    Fired in the event of an unrecoverable error.

  • open()

    Fired when the File Explorer is displayed to the user. This occurs when the Chooser or Saver are opened.

  • close()

    Fired when the File Explorer is hidden from the user. This occurs when the File Explorer is closed. This could be due to either a user action, such as choosing files or cancelling, or due to the close() method being called (not to be confused with this close event handler). The success() or cancel() events will also trigger if appropriate.

  • selected(files)

    The selected event handler is fired when the user selects files from the explorer, but before sending the list to the Kloudless API for additional processing. It fires before the success handler, and can allow you to perform an action while waiting to get the final list.

    If copy_to_upload_location and link are both false, then this event is equivalent to the success event (since nothing needs to happen on the server after the selections are made), so this event probably isn't useful for you.

    files is an array of files, formatted the same way as the array passed to success.

    This event is not fired when the user uses the Chooser's Computer option or the Saver. See startFileUpload and finishFileUpload for those.

  • addAccount(account)

    Fired when a user successfully adds an account. account is an object containing the account id, name, and service.

  • deleteAccount(account)

    Fired when a user successfully removes an account. account is an object containing the account id of the deleted account.

  • startFileUpload(file)

    Fired when a file upload starts (once per file being uploaded). This event is only fired when the user uploads a file via the Chooser's Computer option or the Saver. For the Chooser, file is an object containing keys id, name, size and mime_type. For the Saver, it contains url and name.

  • finishFileUpload(file)

    Fired when a file upload completes successfully (once per file being uploaded). file contains the same information as in startFileUpload above. This event is only fired when the user uploads a file via the Chooser's Computer option or the Saver.


  • Kloudless.explorer(options)

    You can initialize a Kloudless Explorer using the options mentioned above.

  • explorer.choose()

    This method allows you to launch a Chooser.

  • explorer.choosify(element)

    This method binds a click handler that launches the Chooser to the DOM element.


    This method allows you to launch a Saver. See Saver Options for more information on the format for files.

  • explorer.savify(element, files)

    This method binds a click handler that launches the Saver for files to the DOM element.

  • explorer.close()

    This method closes the explorer window.


To start using the File Explorer, simply include the JavaScript file in your HTML file. You can then create an element on the page to launch the explorer.

  <button id="file-explorer">Explore!</button>
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javscript">
      // Explorer initialization JS here.

The next step is to customize the file explorer according to the developer's needs. In this example, we've decided to disable multiselect, return links, and allow for a few types of files. All of this is contained within the initialization.

// Explorer initialization JS
var explorer = window.Kloudless.explorer({
  app_id: 'YOUR_APP_ID',
  multiselect: false,
  link: true,
  types: ['images', 'documents', 'text']

The final step is to launch the explorer and handle the events returned from the explorer based on a user's actions.

// When a user successfully selects or saves a file
explorer.on('success', function(files) {
  // files is an array of JS objects that contain file metadata.
  console.log('Successfully selected files: ', files);

// When a user cancels the explorer
explorer.on('cancel', function() {
  console.log('File selection cancelled.');

// Launching the explorer to choose when a user clicks the Explore! button

// In addition, you can launch the explorer programmatically with choose()

// Launching the explorer to save when a user clicks the Explore! button
// Note: you can pass in an array of files instead of using the configuration option
var files = [{
  "url": "http://<your image url>",
  "name": "filename.extension"
}, {
  "url": "http://<your image url>",
  "name": "filename.extension"

explorer.savify(document.getElementById('file-explorer-saver'), files);

// In addition, you can launch the explorer programmatically with save()
var files = [{
  "url": "http://<your image url>",
  "name": "filename.extension"
}, {
  "url": "http://<your image url>",
  "name": "filename.extension"

Visit our JS Fiddle example of the File Explorer!

Browser Support

  • Chrome 17+
  • Firefox 21+
  • IE 9+
  • Safari 6+
  • Opera 15+


Contributions are welcome and appreciated. We'd love to discuss any ideas you have to improve or extend the File Explorer. It is strongly recommended to discuss ideas with Kloudless first for major modifications that you would like merged in so we can offer feedback on its implementation.


Install Node.js (sudo apt-get install nodejs or equivalent) Make sure you have npm >= 1.4, otherwise sudo npm install -g npm. Run the following commands:

npm install
bower install
grunt dev

If you don't have bower or grunt installed, run:

sudo npm install -g bower grunt-cli

Here are a few of the more useful Grunt tasks available:

  • grunt This can be used instead of grunt dev if only non-library files have been changed. Especially useful during development.

  • grunt dev During development, this will build all non-minified versions of files for easier debugging purposes.

  • grunt deploy For deployment purposes, use grunt deploy to build minified versions of the files needed.

  • grunt deploy --url= Useful for self-hosting the File Explorer. The Grunt tasks accept a url option that will be set as the src attribute for the iframe that loads the File Explorer.

All output files are placed in the dist directory. Included in that directory are:

  • JS and CSS responsible for launching and styling the iframe.
  • JS, CSS and HTML files that compose the File Explorer.


Automated testing is not present. For now, you can manually confirm that the library works by running the test server.

$ grunt # or `grunt dev` if this is the first build
$ cd test
$ npm install # only needed the first time to install dependencies
$ KLOUDLESS_APP_ID=app_id npm start

where 'app_id' above is a Kloudless App ID specifying which app to connect the accounts to. You can create an application in the Developer Portal for testing purposes.

Since the webserver is running at localhost:3000, add localhost:3000 to your App's list of Trusted Domains to allow it to receive Account Keys to make API requests with. Be careful to only do this with an app you are using for development purposes so that there is no security risk.

Then navigate to localhost:3000 and click the buttons to test.


  • Modify the JS and CSS links at example/explorer.html to point to where you will be hosting the compiled JS and CSS files for the explorer.
  • See notes on how to build the File Explorer for deployment purposes with the --url option. Perform the grunt deploy --url=$URL build, where $URL is the URL that will serve the File Explorer.
  • Place dist/explorer/js/explorer.js and dist/explorer/css/explorer.css at the locations you specified in example/explorer.html.
  • Make dist/explorer/explorer.html available at $URL. Feel free to customize the way assets are loaded/delivered. The important part is that the JS, HTML and CSS must all be included on that page.
  • Ensure the domain of $URL is added to your Kloudless App's list of Trusted Domains. This can be done on the App Details page in the Developer Portal. This is necessary because Account Keys will be sent via postMessage from the Kloudless API server's authentication popup to the File Explorer hosted on your domain and the API server should first confirm that it can trust your domain for your app.
  • Include the loader JS file from dist/loader/js/loader.js in any page you would like the File Explorer functionality to be made available at, and follow the Usage notes above.
  • Navigate to the page you included the loader at and use the File Explorer!

Misc. Development Notes

  • Need to implement automated testing!!!
  • In order to switch folders, we change the current() pointer and then refresh(). refresh() will abort any currently active requests to prevent race conditions
  • Put buttons that can be clicked repeatedly into data-bind clicks instead of the router, because the hash will prevent the route from being fired twice consecutively. Use the hash to switch between pages of the application.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you have discovered a security vulnerability with this library or any other part of Kloudless, we appreciate your help in disclosing it to us privately by emailing


Feel free to contact us at with any feedback or questions. Other methods to contact us are listed here.


The Kloudless File Explorer JS library.







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  • JavaScript 87.8%
  • CSS 9.3%
  • HTML 2.9%