astrunc: A library that performs sentence break processing of utf-8 encoded text segments in natural language processing.
git clone
cd astrunc
cd sample
* @Brief: Split utf-8 encoded text segment, and then output sentence string vector.
* @Param: __vs, Output split text segment result, which sentence string vector.
* @Param: __seg, Input utf-8 encoded text segment.
* @Param: __lang, Specify in the astrunc.h file.
* @Param: __nchars, Max a sentence chars size.
* @Return: Ok->0, Other->-1.
int astrunc::access::split( std::vector< std::string > &__vs, const std::string &__seg, astrunc::access::lang_t __lang, int __nchars);
#include "astrunc.h"
int main( int argc, const char **argv)
std::string s_en = "He said: Chang suggested organizing a canine patrol squad at the "
"museum and, in 1987, dogs came back. At 1 year old, each dog is "
"given a tailored training course. ";
std::vector< std::string> vec_s;
int rc = astrunc::access::split( vec_s, s_en, astrunc::access::EN, 32);
if ( 0 == rc) {
for ( auto const &__s : vec_s) {
std::cout << __s << std::endl;
std::cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
} else { std::cerr << "[Error]: Split error\n"; }
return rc;
git clone
cd astrunc
cd sample
* @Brief: Split utf-8 encoded text segment, and then output sentence string vector.
* @Param: __vs, 分割utf-8编码文本段过后的句子列表
* @Param: __seg, 输入的utf-8编码的文本段;
* @Param: __lang, 语言简称,具体在astrunc.h文件中描述;
* @Param: __nchars, 每个句子限定的字符个数。
* @Return: Ok->0, Other->-1.
int astrunc::access::split( std::vector< std::string > &__vs, const std::string &__seg, astrunc::access::lang_t __lang, int __nchars);
#include "astrunc.h"
int main( int argc, const char **argv)
std::string s_zh = "Prometheus,它的价值在于可靠性,甚至在很恶劣的环境下,你都可以随时访问它和查"
"看系统服务各种指标的统计信息。 如果你对统计数据需要100%的精确,它并不适用,例"
std::vector< std::string> vec_s;
int rc = astrunc::access::split( vec_s, s_zh, astrunc::access::ZH, 32);
if ( 0 == rc) {
for ( auto const &__s : vec_s) {
std::cout << __s << std::endl;
std::cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
} else { std::cerr << "[Error]: Split error\n"; }
return rc;