Develop a simplified React version of the battleship game; player vs CPU.
- 10x10 board size
- 1 carrier of 4 spaces
- 3 cruisers of 3 spaces
- 1 submarine of 2 spaces
- Ships must be straight lines
- Ships can be placed horizontally or vertically
The game should have at least 3 screens with the following components and actions.
All mockups are just for reference and can be improved.
- Place your ships on the board
- Enter player name
- Button with “Start game” label
- Player and CPU boards
- Game state ("Playing: Player name or CPU")
- Clicking on computer board, you launch your missiles
- Launched missiles reference
HIT -orange-, DESTROYED -red-, MISSED/WATER -light blue- - Attempt feedback (ship hit, ship destroyed, shot missed)
- CPU missiles can't be launched in random way (once the CPU hits a ship, the next shots must follow some strategy in order to sink the ship)
- Surrender button to end the game manually
- Game result: won, lost, surrendered
- Restart button to go back to the Start screen
For more info about the game, check the Wikipedia article.
- You need to create a GitHub repository and send us the link so we can see the progress
- Please, try to commit often and use clear and concise commit messages
- The project must be bootstrapped with Create React App (
- Use React Hooks and avoid to use Classes
- You must use Redux to manage the application state
- Use React Testing Library to test the application
- Each component must have its own test file
- Tests all the features that you consider to be relevant
- Include Snapshots Testing
- Try to reach a good percentage of coverage
- Include ESLint using Airbnb's ESLint Rules (eslint-config-airbnb)
- Keep the use of third-party packages to a minimum
- Try to use the latest versions of the packages that are included
- Add documentation, highlight on complex logics
- Should work in the latest versions of all major browsers (Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari), both desktop and mobile
- Code and comments must be in English
- Keep in mind that we are going to analyze the code, look at good practices, variable names, structures and so on, good luck!
(PDF challenge file by Arzion)
- Markdown
- Battleship Game
- ESlint
- eslint-config-airbnb
- Configuring ESLint
- Prettier: ESLint Integrations
- Extending Create React App's ESLint config
- Setting up Create React App, VS Code, ESLint, and Prettier
- Airbnb Javascript style guide — Key takeaways
- Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide() {
- Create-react-app -> Setting Up Your Editor -> #Experimental: Extending the ESLint config
- Qué es EsLint y por qué deberías usarlo
- React create-react-app v3.4.1 typescript: ESLint & Prettier with Airbnb style guides and VSCode WebStorm setup 2020
- VSCode + ESLint (AirBnb) + AutoFix on Save
- Improve Your Code With ESLint + VsCode + Airbnb Styleguide
- VSCode ESLint, Prettier & Airbnb Style Guide Setup
- VSCode - ESLint, Prettier & Airbnb Setup
- Integrating Prettier + ESLint + Airbnb Style Guide in VSCode
- Configuring ESLint, Prettier and Airbnb in 1 Line -Can't get correct autoformat on save in Visual Studio Code with ESLint and Prettier
- Conflict with react/jsx-one-expression-per-line #6456
- eslint-config-react-app
- eslint-config-prettier
- eslint-plugin-prettier
- eslint-plugin-react
- Código limpio y consistente. ESLint + Prettier en tus proyectos con React.