A cuboid shop plugin for Bukkit http://www.github.com/Bukkit
make sure every command has a response to the player
Add shop move command
minimum owner account balance for denying sale
log transactions
change command to /shop
change /shop set buy|sell
- Display shop inventories in chests and purchase through inventory screen ++bump
- Shop Class
- Read shop data files and build hash table
- Add shops to cuboid tree
- check if user is in shop on move (fixed!)
- file output
- /shop create
- /shop list
- /shop list buy|sell
- /shop buy|sell
- /shop add
- /shop remove
- /shop set sell
- /shop set add
- /shop set manager
- /shop set owner
- /shop destroy
- created items.txt with unique names for each item and data combination
- iConomy 4.0+ integration
- GroupManager 0.99c integrated
- admin override to everything
- localshops.admin
- buy, sell, remove partial name matching is better (based on shop inventory not every available item)
- added command /shop add itemname
- added help for /shop set
- added /shop set max command
- added max stock level for items
- changed shop file to itemID,Data=buy,sell,stock format
- creates it's own items.txt file from inside the plugin
- CbutD integration added
- /shop reload gives response
- fixed bug with selling an item that doesn't exist
- fixed localshops.admin
- gave shop owner or managers to buy or sell if price is 0
- fixed adding and deleting shops conflicting worlds
- added check for shop entry on log in, reload, and create/destroy
- create shop overlap with other world problem
- fixed bug with items not in items.txt list
- added /shop set unlimited money|stock
- added /shop list info
** 1.11 **
- fixed problem with Permissions startup
- fixed problem with /shop sell command NPE fix
** 1.12 **
- fixed problem with stone slabs
make sure every command has a response to the player
Add shop move command
minimum owner account balance for denying sale
log transactions
add messages when the amount of buy/sell changes because of money or space restrictions
change command to /shop
change /shop set buy|sell
- Display shop inventories in chests and purchase through inventory screen ++bump