Reads binary files and converts into a NetCDF files for modeling air quality in WRF-chem using the RADM2 chemical mechanism.
- wrfem_00to12z_d01 binary file generated by NEI_2011 from 1 to 12 hour
- wrfem_12to24z_d01 binary file generated by NEI_2011 from 12 to 24 hour
- wrfinput Same projection and dimensions as wrfem files
- domain.nml Domain namelist
- wrfchemi_00z_d01 netcdf file with attributes, dimensions from wrfinput and emissions from wrfem_00to12z_d01
- wrfchemi_12z_d01 netcdf file with attributes, dimensions from wrfinput and emissions from wrfem_12to24z_d01
Contains the dimensions of wrfem_00to12z_d01 and should be the same in wrfinput
IX=352 ! number of cell grid in W-E direction
JX=225 ! number of cell grid in S-N direction
KX=8 ! number of vertical levels
In the directory source do ./configure then make