🚀Bootcamp Ignite ⚛️ ReactJS challenge 3: 💰 Manage your money properly with dtmoney!
Why not use dtmoney to help manage your finances? The major function of this app is to provide users with transparency over their income and payments and help them have control over their savings goals!
Dtmoney is user-friendly and helpful if you want to better understand the general state of your finances.
- ReactJS
- Typescript
- Axios
- Styled Components
- Polished
- Miragejs
Clone the project
git clone git@github.com:Joseane-Guedes/dt-money.git
Go to the project directory
cd dt-money
Install dependencies
Start the server
yarn dev
Released in 2021 📕 License
This project is under the MIT license.
Made with 💜 by Rocketseat 🚀 and Joseane Guedes 👩💻