I'm a passionate Full-Stack developer with three years of experience in creating innovative web and mobile solutions. My extensive technical knowledge and experience allow me to work across all stages of software development, from design to implementation, ensuring high-quality and high-performance end products.
Technological Tools:
- Programming Languages: HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, PHP.
- Frameworks and Libraries: Angular, Ionic, React.js, Next.js, Laravel, Node.js, Express.js.
- Databases: MongoDB, SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Prisma.
- Frontend Technologies: Bootstrap, Tailwind, React Hooks, Redux.
- Version Control Tools: Git, GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab.
- Web Servers: Nginx, Apache, Linux.
- IDEs and Editors: Visual Studio Code.
- Testing and Debugging Tools: Postman, Insomnia.
- Design Tools: Figma, InVision.
🔭 I’m currently working on: Projects on NoCountry & IDforIdeas
🌱 I’m currently learning: Next.js, Prisma, PostreSQL & Tailwind