An animated Android (based on the famous logo of the "Android" brand) with a lightsaber in his left hand. It is programmed in C++ using the OpenGL primitives.
Download the project. Then compile and execute it using
When the programm is running you can use the following keys to interact with it:
- 1 --> Draw the selected figure using points
- 2 --> Draw the selected figure using edges
- 3 --> Draw the selected figure in solid way
- 4 --> Draw the selected figure in chess way
- 5 --> Draw the selected figure with flat lit
- 6 --> Draw the selected figure with Gouraud lit
- 7 --> Turn On/Off the first light
. F5 --> Rotate/Stop rotating the first light
- 8 --> Turn On/Off the second light
. F6 --> Rotate/Stop rotating the second light
- P --> Pyramid
- C --> Cube
- F --> Cone
- G --> Cylinder
- H --> Sphere
- O --> Ply Object
- N --> Object built by rotation
- B --> Tank
. F1 --> Turn tube up
. F2 --> Turn tube down
. F3 --> Turn tube right
. F4 --> Turn tube left
. Q --> Move arms up
. W --> Move arms down
. S --> Take out laser
. D --> Put inside laser
. Z --> Rotate head right
. X --> Rotate head left
- M --> Change skin
. F7 --> Increase skin bright
. F8 --> Decrease skin bright
- Juan Emilio Martínez Manjón - The entire project - Juane99