Welcome to the MyReads app!
To get started developing right away:
- install all project dependencies with
npm install
- start the development server with
npm start
- This page displays 3 shelves on the home page
- Currently Reading
- Want to Read
- Read
- Each book has a button, that when clicked displays dropdown options. The dropdown options allow users to change the shelf where the book lives.
- This page can be access by clicking on the circular button in the bottom right corner of the home page.
- Users then search for a title, author, or topic by typing in the search bar. The results will be filtered below the search bar when each input value changes.
- To return to the home page, click on the back arrow in the search bar.
The backend API uses a fixed set of cached search results and is limited to a particular set of search terms, which are the following:
'Android', 'Art', 'Artificial Intelligence', 'Astronomy', 'Austen', 'Baseball', 'Basketball', 'Bhagat', 'Biography', 'Brief', 'Business', 'Camus', 'Cervantes', 'Christie', 'Classics', 'Comics', 'Cook', 'Cricket', 'Cycling', 'Desai', 'Design', 'Development', 'Digital Marketing', 'Drama', 'Drawing', 'Dumas', 'Education', 'Everything', 'Fantasy', 'Film', 'Finance', 'First', 'Fitness', 'Football', 'Future', 'Games', 'Gandhi', 'Homer', 'Horror', 'Hugo', 'Ibsen', 'Journey', 'Kafka', 'King', 'Lahiri', 'Larsson', 'Learn', 'Literary Fiction', 'Make', 'Manage', 'Marquez', 'Money', 'Mystery', 'Negotiate', 'Painting', 'Philosophy', 'Photography', 'Poetry', 'Production', 'Programming', 'React', 'Redux', 'River', 'Robotics', 'Rowling', 'Satire', 'Science Fiction', 'Shakespeare', 'Singh', 'Swimming', 'Tale', 'Thrun', 'Time', 'Tolstoy', 'Travel', 'Ultimate', 'Virtual Reality', 'Web Development', 'iOS'
The list of terms are the only terms that will work with the backend, so don't be surprised if your searches for Axolotl don't return any results.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. You can find more information on how to perform common tasks here.