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IO: fix API safety issue for Ptr (#51949)
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Align the API for Ref with the new definition for AbstractArray (#49769)
and ensure this API does not accept raw Ptr as input.

Refs #42593
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vtjnash authored Oct 31, 2023
1 parent 5ae88f5 commit 69a4ecb
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Showing 2 changed files with 41 additions and 6 deletions.
29 changes: 23 additions & 6 deletions base/io.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -780,10 +780,17 @@ end
@noinline unsafe_write(s::IO, p::Ref{T}, n::Integer) where {T} =
unsafe_write(s, unsafe_convert(Ref{T}, p)::Ptr, n) # mark noinline to ensure ref is gc-rooted somewhere (by the caller)
unsafe_write(s::IO, p::Ptr, n::Integer) = unsafe_write(s, convert(Ptr{UInt8}, p), convert(UInt, n))
write(s::IO, x::Ref{T}) where {T} = unsafe_write(s, x, Core.sizeof(T))
function write(s::IO, x::Ref{T}) where {T}
x isa Ptr && error("write cannot copy from a Ptr")
if isbitstype(T)
unsafe_write(s, x, Core.sizeof(T))
write(s, x[])
write(s::IO, x::Int8) = write(s, reinterpret(UInt8, x))
function write(s::IO, x::Union{Int16,UInt16,Int32,UInt32,Int64,UInt64,Int128,UInt128,Float16,Float32,Float64})
return write(s, Ref(x))
return unsafe_write(s, Ref(x), Core.sizeof(x))

write(s::IO, x::Bool) = write(s, UInt8(x))
Expand All @@ -797,7 +804,7 @@ function write(s::IO, A::AbstractArray)
r = Ref{eltype(A)}()
for a in A
r[] = a
nb += @noinline unsafe_write(s, r, sizeof(r)) # r must be heap-allocated
nb += @noinline unsafe_write(s, r, Core.sizeof(r)) # r must be heap-allocated
return nb
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -861,11 +868,21 @@ end

@noinline unsafe_read(s::IO, p::Ref{T}, n::Integer) where {T} = unsafe_read(s, unsafe_convert(Ref{T}, p)::Ptr, n) # mark noinline to ensure ref is gc-rooted somewhere (by the caller)
unsafe_read(s::IO, p::Ptr, n::Integer) = unsafe_read(s, convert(Ptr{UInt8}, p), convert(UInt, n))
read!(s::IO, x::Ref{T}) where {T} = (unsafe_read(s, x, Core.sizeof(T)); x)
function read!(s::IO, x::Ref{T}) where {T}
x isa Ptr && error("read! cannot copy into a Ptr")
if isbitstype(T)
unsafe_read(s, x, Core.sizeof(T))
x[] = read(s, T)
return x

read(s::IO, ::Type{Int8}) = reinterpret(Int8, read(s, UInt8))
function read(s::IO, T::Union{Type{Int16},Type{UInt16},Type{Int32},Type{UInt32},Type{Int64},Type{UInt64},Type{Int128},Type{UInt128},Type{Float16},Type{Float32},Type{Float64}})
return read!(s, Ref{T}(0))[]::T
r = Ref{T}(0)
unsafe_read(s, r, Core.sizeof(T))
return r[]

read(s::IO, ::Type{Bool}) = (read(s, UInt8) != 0)
Expand All @@ -878,7 +895,7 @@ function read!(s::IO, A::AbstractArray{T}) where {T}
if isbitstype(T)
r = Ref{T}()
for i in eachindex(A)
@noinline unsafe_read(s, r, sizeof(r)) # r must be heap-allocated
@noinline unsafe_read(s, r, Core.sizeof(r)) # r must be heap-allocated
A[i] = r[]
Expand Down
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions test/read.jl
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Expand Up @@ -720,3 +720,21 @@ end
@test isempty(r) && isempty(collect(r))

@testset "Ref API" begin
io = PipeBuffer()
@test write(io, Ref{Any}(0xabcd_1234)) === 4
@test read(io, UInt32) === 0xabcd_1234
@test_throws ErrorException("write cannot copy from a Ptr") invoke(write, Tuple{typeof(io), Ref{Cvoid}}, io, C_NULL)
@test_throws ErrorException("write cannot copy from a Ptr") invoke(write, Tuple{typeof(io), Ref{Int}}, io, Ptr{Int}(0))
@test_throws ErrorException("write cannot copy from a Ptr") invoke(write, Tuple{typeof(io), Ref{Any}}, io, Ptr{Any}(0))
@test_throws ErrorException("read! cannot copy into a Ptr") read!(io, C_NULL)
@test_throws ErrorException("read! cannot copy into a Ptr") read!(io, Ptr{Int}(0))
@test_throws ErrorException("read! cannot copy into a Ptr") read!(io, Ptr{Any}(0))
@test eof(io)
@test write(io, C_NULL) === sizeof(Int)
@test write(io, Ptr{Int}(4)) === sizeof(Int)
@test write(io, Ptr{Any}(5)) === sizeof(Int)
@test read!(io, Int[1, 2, 3]) == [0, 4, 5]
@test eof(io)

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