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Hit linspace endpoints exactly and fix range tests. Fixes #20521.
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timholy committed Aug 9, 2017
1 parent f4eeb48 commit f371fa9
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Showing 3 changed files with 69 additions and 58 deletions.
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions base/float.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -826,8 +826,8 @@ fpinttype(::Type{Float32}) = UInt32
fpinttype(::Type{Float16}) = UInt16

## TwicePrecision utilities
# The numeric constants are half the number of bits in the mantissa
for (F, T, n) in ((Float16, UInt16, 5), (Float32, UInt32, 12), (Float64, UInt64, 26))
# The numeric constants are half the number of precision bits in the significand
for (F, T, n) in ((Float16, UInt16, 6), (Float32, UInt32, 12), (Float64, UInt64, 27))
@eval begin
function truncbits(x::$F, nb)
Expand All @@ -839,7 +839,9 @@ for (F, T, n) in ((Float16, UInt16, 5), (Float32, UInt32, 12), (Float64, UInt64,
function splitprec(x::$F)
hi = truncmask(x, typemax($T) << $n)
xs1 = reinterpret($T, x) >> $(n-1)
xs = (xs1 >> 1) + isodd(xs1)
hi = reinterpret($F, xs << $n)
hi, x-hi
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64 changes: 35 additions & 29 deletions base/twiceprecision.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,9 +35,20 @@ struct TwicePrecision{T}
lo::T # least significant bits

function TwicePrecision{T}(nd::Tuple{I,I}) where {T,I}
function TwicePrecision{T}(x) where T
xT = convert(T, x)
Δx = x - xT
TwicePrecision{T}(xT, T(Δx))

function TwicePrecision{T}(nd::Tuple{Integer,Integer}) where {T<:Union{Float16,Float32}}
n, d = nd

function TwicePrecision{T}(nd::Tuple{Any,Any}) where {T}
n, d = nd
TwicePrecision{T}(n, zero(T)) / d
TwicePrecision{T}(n) / d

function TwicePrecision{T}(nd::Tuple{I,I}, nb::Integer) where {T,I}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -391,10 +402,8 @@ function linspace(::Type{T}, start_n::Integer, stop_n::Integer, len::Integer, de
imin = clamp(imin, 1, Int(len))
ref_num = Int128(len-imin) * start_n + Int128(imin-1) * stop_n
ref_denom = Int128(len-1) * den
ref = ratio128(T, ref_num, ref_denom)
# Compute step to 2x precision without risking overflow...
step_full = ratio128(T, Int128(stop_n) - Int128(start_n), ref_denom)
# ...and truncate hi-bits as needed
ref = TwicePrecision{T}((ref_num, ref_denom))
step_full = TwicePrecision{T}((Int128(stop_n) - Int128(start_n), ref_denom))
step = twiceprecision(step_full, nbitslen(T, len, imin))
StepRangeLen(ref, step, Int(len), imin)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -462,6 +471,8 @@ end
_add2(x::T, y::T) where {T<:TwicePrecision} = x + y
_add2(x::TwicePrecision, y::TwicePrecision) = TwicePrecision(x.hi+y.hi, x.lo+y.lo)

-(x::TwicePrecision, y::TwicePrecision) = x + (-y)

function *(x::TwicePrecision, v::Integer)
v == 0 && return TwicePrecision(x.hi*v, x.lo*v)
nb = ceil(Int, log2(abs(v)))
Expand All @@ -470,7 +481,7 @@ function *(x::TwicePrecision, v::Integer)
TwicePrecision(y_hi, y_lo)

function _mul2(x::TwicePrecision{T}, v::T) where T<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64}
function _mul2(x::TwicePrecision{T}, v::T) where {T<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64}}
v == 0 && return TwicePrecision(T(0), T(0))
xhh, xhl = splitprec(x.hi)
vh, vl = splitprec(v)
Expand All @@ -487,39 +498,34 @@ end

*(v::Number, x::TwicePrecision) = x*v

function /(x::TwicePrecision, v::Number)
function *(x::TwicePrecision{T}, y::TwicePrecision{T}) where {T<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64}}
xh, xl = splitprec(x.hi)
yh, yl = splitprec(y.hi)
z = x.hi * y.hi
ch, cl = add2(z, ((xh*yh - z) + xh*yl + xl*yh) + xl*yl)
TwicePrecision{T}(add2(ch, (x.hi * y.lo + x.lo * y.hi) + cl)...)

function /(x::TwicePrecision, v)
hi = x.hi/v
w = TwicePrecision(hi, zero(hi)) * v
_div2(x, hi, v)

function _div2(x::TwicePrecision, hi::T, v) where {T<:Union{Float16,Float32,Float64}}
w = TwicePrecision(hi, zero(hi)) * TwicePrecision{T}(v)
lo = (((x.hi - w.hi) - w.lo) + x.lo)/v
y_hi, y_lo = add2(hi, lo)
TwicePrecision(y_hi, y_lo)

function ratio128(::Type{T}, num, denom) where T<:Union{Float16,Float32}
r_hi = T(Float64(num)/denom)
rem = num - Float64(r_hi)*denom
r_lo = T(rem/denom)
TwicePrecision{T}(r_hi, r_lo)
ratio128(::Type{T}, num, denom) where T = TwicePrecision{T}((num, denom))
_div2(x::TwicePrecision, hi, v) = TwicePrecision(hi, x.lo/v)

# hi-precision version of prod(num)/prod(den)
# num and den are tuples to avoid risk of overflow
function proddiv(T, num, den)
t = TwicePrecision(T(num[1]), zero(T))
t = _prod(t, tail(num)...)
_divt(t, den...)
function _prod(t::TwicePrecision, x, y...)
_prod(t * x, y...)
_prod(t::TwicePrecision) = t
function _divt(t::TwicePrecision, x, y...)
_divt(t / x, y...)
_divt(t::TwicePrecision) = t
<(x::TwicePrecision{T}, y::TwicePrecision{T}) where {T} =
x.hi < y.hi || ((x.hi == y.hi) & (x.lo < y.lo))

isbetween(a, x, b) = a <= x <= b || b <= x <= a
55 changes: 29 additions & 26 deletions test/ranges.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -338,11 +338,11 @@ end

for T = (Float32, Float64,),# BigFloat),
a = -5:25, s = [-5:-1;1:25;], d = 1:25, n = -1:15
den = convert(T,d)
start = convert(T,a)/den
step = convert(T,s)/den
stop = convert(T,(a+(n-1)*s))/den
vals = T[a:s:a+(n-1)*s;]./den
denom = convert(T,d)
start = convert(T,a)/denom
step = convert(T,s)/denom
stop = convert(T,(a+(n-1)*s))/denom
vals = T[a:s:a+(n-1)*s;]./denom
r = start:step:stop
@test [r;] == vals
@test [linspace(start, stop, length(r));] == vals
Expand All @@ -362,27 +362,30 @@ end
@test [-3*0.05:-0.05:-0.2;] == [linspace(-3*0.05,-0.2,2);] == [-3*0.05,-0.2]
@test [-0.2:0.05:-3*0.05;] == [linspace(-0.2,-3*0.05,2);] == [-0.2,-3*0.05]

for T = (Float32, Float64,), i = 1:2^15, n = 1:5
start, step = randn(T), randn(T)
step == 0 && continue
stop = start + (n-1)*step
# `n` is not necessarily unique s.t. `start + (n-1)*step == stop`
# so test that `length(start:step:stop)` satisfies this identity
# and is the closest value to `(stop-start)/step` to do so
lo = hi = n
while start + (lo-1)*step == stop; lo -= 1; end
while start + (hi-1)*step == stop; hi += 1; end
m = clamp(round(Int, (stop-start)/step) + 1, lo+1, hi-1)
r = start:step:stop
@test m == length(r)
# FIXME: these fail some small portion of the time
@test_skip start == first(r)
@test_skip stop == last(r)
l = linspace(start,stop,n)
@test n == length(l)
# FIXME: these fail some small portion of the time
@test_skip start == first(l)
@test_skip stop == last(l)
function range_fuzztests(::Type{T}, niter, nrange) where {T}
for i = 1:niter, n in nrange
start, Δ = randn(T), randn(T)
Δ == 0 && continue
stop = start + (n-1)*Δ
# `n` is not necessarily unique s.t. `start + (n-1)*Δ == stop`
# so test that `length(start:Δ:stop)` satisfies this identity
# and is the closest value to `(stop-start)/Δ` to do so
lo = hi = n
while start + (lo-1)*Δ == stop; lo -= 1; end
while start + (hi-1)*Δ == stop; hi += 1; end
m = clamp(round(Int, (stop-start)/Δ) + 1, lo+1, hi-1)
r = start:Δ:stop
@test m == length(r)
@test start == first(r)
@test Δ == step(r)
l = linspace(start,stop,n)
@test n == length(l)
@test start == first(l)
@test stop == last(l)
for T = (Float32, Float64,)
range_fuzztests(T, 2^15, 1:5)

# Inexact errors on 32 bit architectures. #22613
Expand Down

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