This repository solves the Aiyagari model (1994) with aggregate uncertainty.
- An excellent course on heterogeneous agent models (Aiyagari model (1994) and more) with code in Matlab, Python and Julia:
- More on the EGM method:
- More on the Aiyagari model:
- Aiyagari model in continuous time:
- Aiyagari, S. Rao. "Uninsured idiosyncratic risk and aggregate saving." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 109.3 (1994): 659-684.
- Bewley, Truman. "A difficulty with the optimum quantity of money." Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society (1983): 1485-1504.
- Boppart, Timo, Per Krusell, and Kurt Mitman. “Exploiting MIT shocks in heterogeneous-agent economies: the impulse response as a numerical derivative.” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 89 (2018): 68-92.
- Christopher D Carroll. The method of endogenous gridpoints for solving dynamic stochastic optimization problems. Economics Letters, 91(3):312–320, 2006.
- Coeurdacier, Nicolas, Helene Rey, and Pablo Winant. "The risky steady state." American Economic Review 101.3 (2011): 398-401.
- Huggett, Mark. "The risk-free rate in heterogeneous-agent incomplete-insurance economies." Journal of economic Dynamics and Control 17.5-6 (1993): 953-969.
- İmrohoroğlu, Ayşe. "The welfare cost of inflation under imperfect insurance." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 16.1 (1992): 79-91.
- Ljungqvist, Lars, and Thomas J. Sargent. Recursive macroeconomic theory. MIT press, 2018.
- Reiter, Michael. “Comments on” Exploiting MIT Shocks in Heterogeneous-Agent Economies: The Impulse Response as a Numerical Derivative” by T. Boppart, P. Krusell and K. Mitman.” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 89 (2018): 93-99.