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vive teleop for tiago++ with omni base

This ros package provides launch files to map HTC vive VR cobtrollers to control the Tiago++ robot with an Omni base.


  • Maps Vive controller inputs to robot commands
  • Maps gamepad controller inputs to robot commands
  • Supports teleoperation of of the whole body (base, torso, head, both arms)


Clone this repository into your catkin workspace, then use catkin build to build:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
catkin build


Launch Files

There are two launch files for robot teleop:

  1. vive_teleop.launch is for controlling the robot using the vive controllers
  2. gamepad_teleop.launch is for controlling the robot using any type of gamepad (joystick) interfaces

Gamepad interface mapping

The gamepad_teleop.launch file is designed to allow control of the robot using a gamepad or joystick interface. The specific button-to-command mappings depend on the type of gamepad you are using, but a general mapping might look like this:

  • Button A: Activates the mobile base control mode
  • Button B: Activates the right arm control mode
  • Button X: Activates the left arm control mode
  • Button Y: Activates the head control mode

When in mobile base control mode:

  • Left Stick (Vertical): Controls the forward and backward movement of the mobile base.
  • Left Stick (Horizontal): Controls the left and right strafing movement of the mobile base.
  • Right Stick (Horizontal): Controls the rotation of the mobile base.
  • D-pad (Vertical): Controls the height of the torso.

When in arm (left or right) control mode

  • Left Stick (Vertical): Controls the x translation of the end-effector.
  • Left Stick (Horizontal): Controls the y translation of the end-effector.
  • Right Stick (Vertical): Controls the z translation of the end-effector.
  • Right Stick (Horizontal): Controls the yaw rotation of the end-effector.
  • D-pad (Vertical): Controls the pitch rotation of the end-effector.
  • D-pad (Horizontal): Controls the roll rotation of the end-effector.

When in head control mode:

  • Left Stick (Vertical): Controls the pitch rotation of the head.
  • Left Stick (Horizontal): Controls the yaw rotation of the head.

In any mode:

  • Right Trigger: Controls the openning and closing of the right gripper.
  • Left Trigger: Controls the openning and closing of the left gripper.

Launch File Arguments

The vive_teleop.launch file accepts several arguments that allow you to customize its behavior:

  • sim (default: true): If set to true, the node operates in simulation mode. If set to false, the node operates with a real robot.

  • record (default: false): If set to true, the node records data during operation. This can be useful for debugging or analysis.

  • rviz (default: true): If set to true, the node launches RViz for visualizing the robot and its sensor data.

You can set these arguments when launching the node. For example, to launch the node in non-simulation mode without RViz, you can run:

roslaunch vive_teleop vive_teleop.launch sim:=false rviz:=false


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