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A CLI tool intended to simplify AWS CloudFormation handling. Originally forked from cfn-sphere.



  • cfn templates in yaml or json
  • build for human interaction and automation (run 'cf sync stacks.yml' triggered by a git push if you dare -)
  • a source of truth defining CloudFormation stacks with their template and parameters
  • cross referencing parameters between stacks (use a stack output as parameter for another stack)
  • automatic stack dependency resolution including circular dependency detection
  • helper features easing the use of cfn functions like Fn::Join, Ref or Fn::GetAtt
  • easy user-data definition for
  • allow stack parameter values updates in command line interface
  • encrypt/decrypt values with AWS KMS (

cfn-square additional features

  • Support for creating and executing CloudFormation change sets


As Python artifact:

pip install cfn-square


$ cf --help

  This tool manages AWS CloudFormation templates and stacks by providing an
  application scope and useful tooling.

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  convert             Convert JSON to YAML or vice versa
  create-change-set   create change set
  decrypt             Decrypt a given ciphertext with AWS Key Management Service
  delete              Delete all stacks in a stack configuration
  encrypt             Encrypt a given string with AWS Key Management Service
  execute-change-set  execute change set
  render-template     Render template as it would be used to create/update a stack
  sync                Sync AWS resources with definition file
  validate-template   Validate template with CloudFormation API

Getting Started with the sync command

1. Create Stacks Config

Create a YAML file containing a region and some stacks in a stacks.yml file f.e.:

region: eu-west-1
        template-url: vpc.yml
        template-url: app.yml
            vpcID: "|ref|"

2. Write your CloudFormation templates

Write your templates and configure them in your stacks.yml. Optionally you can define placeholders in your stack config using the [to-be-replaced] notation and supply a 'transforms context' file.



region: eu-west-1
        template-url: vpc.yml
        name: vpc[environment]
        template-url: app.yml
            vpcID: "|ref|"
Context (development environment):


environment: dev


environment: staging


environment: production

This way your stacks.yml remains the same for all the environments.

3. Configure the account profile

cfn-square supports assuming AWS roles. The AWS CLI looks for role configurations in the user config file, located at ~/.aws/config. Each profile requires at least these properties to be configured:

region = eu-west-1
output = json

[profile accountrole]
source_profile = default
mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::987654321987:mfa/jsmith.kcom.adm
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789123:role/CA_KCOM_ADM

You need the mfa_serial for your admin user, and the role_arn of the admin role for the account. The AWS Practice Confluence page on cross account access explains this in more detail.

  • mfa_serial can be found attached to your IAM user entry in your admin account.
  • To find the role_arn for the role that you need to assume, identify the environment that you intend to modify on the Admin Roles list on the AWS Sharepoint. Log in to the role with the link associated with the account, and you can find the ARN attached to the CA_KCOM_ADM role in that account's IAM.

4. Sync it

A single command synchronizes your definition with reality!

cf sync stack.yml -t dev.yml --profile accountrole

Other features

Creating CloudFormation change sets

cfn-square can be used to create a change set based on the delta between an AWS account and your local config:

cf create-change-set stack.yml -t transforms.yml --profile accountrole

This creates a change set for each stack if it differs from your specified local config.

Executing CloudFormation change sets

cfn-square can also be used to execute change sets:

cf execute-change-set changeSetName --profile accountrole

changeSetName should be replaced with the name or ARN of the change set.

Parameterise Stack with CLI parameters

To pass stack parameters without having to modify the templates, simply use the --parameter or -p flag.

cf sync --parameter "test-stack.vpcID=vpc-123" --parameter "test-stack.subnetID=subnet-234" myapp-test.yml


cfn-sphere documentation

For original cfn-sphere features read:

cfn-square documentation

For cfn-square specific features read:

Config reference

See the wiki to see what you can do in a stack configuration: StackConfig Reference

Template reference

Cfn-Sphere supports native CloudFormation templates written in JSON or YAML, located in local filesystem or s3. There are some improvements like simplified intrinsic functions one can use. See the reference for details: Template Reference



  • python >= 3
  • virtualenv
  • pybuilder


git clone
cd cfn-square
virtualenv .venv --python=python3
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install pybuilder
pyb install_dependencies


  • Create an issue to discuss the problem and track changes for future releases
  • Create a pull request with your changes (as small as possible to ease code reviews)


Copyright 2015,2016 Marco Hoyer Copyright 2017 KCOM

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.