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Python implementation of Ogmios Client

What is PyOgmios?

PyOgmios is based on Ogmios JSON/RPC lightweight bridge interface for Cardano Node by Matthias Benkort.
It offers a WebSocket API that enables local clients to speak Ouroboros' mini-protocols via JSON/RPC.


PyOgmios is a Python library that can be used to convert Python Objects into their Ogmios Requests JSON/RPC representation. It can also be used to convert Ogmios JSON/RPC Responses to their equivalent Python objects.
The Python library allows asynchronous communication with Ogmios Server by interacting with a Websocket client connection.


The standard Ogmios interface uses a websocket and Json WSP messages. While this is good for exposing the node's information to a lot of different programming environments, there is a lot of boilerplate code to write in each language to convert json wsp messages into usable objects. This is where PyOgmios comes in for the Python language.

The api is broken up into using 4 different logical client types: StateQuery, TxSubmit, TxMonitor, and ChainSync.


  • Asynchronous messaging using Python objects
  • Transaction submission with enhanced error messages
  • Transaction Evaluation
  • Structured Python Objects logging
  • Full ledger state query support:
Query Result Supported
block_height The chain's highest block number. ✔️
chain_tip The chain's current tip. ✔️
current_epoch The current epoch of the ledger. ✔️
current_protocol_parameters The current protocol parameters. ✔️
delegations_and_rewards Current delegation settings and rewards of given reward accounts. ✔️
era_start The information regarding the beginning of the current era. ✔️
era_summaries Era bounds and slotting parameters details, required for proper slot arithmetic. ✔️
genesis_config Get a compact version of the era's genesis configuration. ✔️
ledger_tip The most recent block tip known of the ledger. ✔️
non_myopic_member_rewards Non-myopic member rewards for each pool. Used in ranking. ✔️
pool_ids The list of all pool identifiers currently registered and active. ✔️
pool_parameters Stake pool parameters submitted with registration certificates. ✔️
pools_ranking Retrieve stake pools ranking (a.k.a desirability). ✔️
proposed_protocol_parameters The last update proposal w.r.t. protocol parameters, if any. ✔️
rewards_provenance Get details about rewards calculation for the ongoing epoch. ✔️
stake_distribution Distribution of the stake across all known stake pools. ✔️
system_start The chain's start time (UTC). ✔️
utxo Current UTXO, possibly filtered by output reference. ✔️

Getting Started

pip install pyogmios


In order to use PyOgmios, you will need to have a running instance of Ogmios pointed at an active instance of cardano-node. Please refer to the Ogmios documentation for setup instructions.

On the PyOgmios side, all you will need is the ip/dns name of the Ogmios server as well as the port it is running on ( default: 1337).

Hosted Dandelion's instances, by Gimbalabs.

Network URL
Mainnet wss://
Testnet wss://


Below, you will find a few example usages of the PyOgmios api. To find more exhaustive examples, refer to the example code in this repository.

When you are done using a PyOgmios client, you should clean up and call the shutdown() method explicitly, OR you can initialize the InteractionContext with InteractionType.ONE_TIME to ensure clean up happens automatically. This latter approach is what we will use in the examples.

All methods must be called from inside a Coroutine Context. The client methods will suspend until data returns from the server, or an exception is thrown. Many calls can be made through PyOgmios using the same Client object. Only clean it up once you are done with it, or it has thrown an error. In the case of errors, it is best to create a new instance of the Client, so it can re-connect.


The StateQuery client is used for querying the current (or past) state of the node and blockchain. In most cases, the api will automatically acquire the tip of the blockchain. You should not need to explicitly call acquire(point) unless you have advanced needs.

ChainTip Example:

import asyncio

from pyogmios_client.connection import (
    create_interaction_context, InteractionContextOptions,
from pyogmios_client.enums import InteractionType
from pyogmios_client.ouroboros_mini_protocols.state_query.state_query_client import create_state_query_client

async def main():
    This will query the chain tip of the node through Ogmios.
    interaction_context_options = InteractionContextOptions(interaction_type=InteractionType.ONE_TIME)
    interaction_context = await create_interaction_context(options=interaction_context_options)
    client = await create_state_query_client(interaction_context)
    chain_tip = await client.chain_tip()
    # await client.shutdown()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()


import asyncio
from typing import Callable

from pyogmios_client.connection import (
    create_interaction_context, InteractionContextOptions,
from pyogmios_client.enums import InteractionType, Origin
from pyogmios_client.models import RollBackward, RollForward
from pyogmios_client.ouroboros_mini_protocols.chain_sync.chain_sync_client import ChainSyncMessageHandlers, \

async def main():
    This run the chain sync client and print the output.
    interaction_context_options = InteractionContextOptions(interaction_type=InteractionType.LONG_RUNNING)
    interaction_context = await create_interaction_context(options=interaction_context_options)
    await asyncio.sleep(1)

    def roll_backward_callback(roll_backward: RollBackward, callback: Callable[[], None]):
        Roll backward callback
        :param roll_backward: The roll backward result
        :param callback: The request next callback
        print(f"Roll backward: {roll_backward}")

    def roll_forward_callback(roll_forward: RollForward, callback: Callable[[], None]):
        Roll forward callback
        :param roll_forward: The roll forward result
        :param callback: The request next callback
        print(f"Roll forward: {roll_forward}")

    chain_sync_message_handlers = ChainSyncMessageHandlers(

    chain_sync_client = await create_chain_sync_client(interaction_context, chain_sync_message_handlers)
    await chain_sync_client.start_sync([Origin.origin], 0)
    await asyncio.sleep(10)
    await chain_sync_client.shutdown()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()


PyOgmios is a Python version of the Ogmios Client








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