A landmark-based visual indoor localization system for mobile robots
You need the following dependencies to build this project:
If you are using rosdep, which now is a stand-alone tool independent of ROS, you can simply run the following command to install these dependencies:
rosdep install stargazer
catkin-tools are recommended as build tools, but a classical build is possible as well:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Install via
make install
A simple usage example is included and will be build with the library. It resides in devel/lib/stargazer/
run it by handing it the path to the example file and config:
./devel/lib/stargazer/stargazer_demo res/frame0135.jpg res/stargazer.yaml-cpp
The library is fully documented with Doxygen comments. Build the documentation by running
doxygen Doxyfile