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Shape limiting config parameters

Swamp-Ig edited this page Apr 29, 2014 · 1 revision

These are mostly stored in ProceduralPart, with a few specific ones in the shape modules.

I won't go through and re-document all the various parameters here, they are fairly well documented in the code Here for ProceduralPart.

All of the limit parameters for ProceduralPart can also be specified in each TECHLIMIT node. Defining the value in the ProceduralPart MODULE will set an overall limit for whatever it is, this is hard and can't be overrided by the tech level.

If you define a limit in a TECHLIMIT, then all the researched tech will be combined to give the max (or min) value.

Allow curve tweaking is the only one that doesn't quite fit this mold, it must be true (which it is by default) in the module as well as at least one TECHLIMIT (which it also is by default) for at least one researched tech level for curve tweaking to be allowed. As soon as any tech is researched without this being set to false, then it's allowed.

Cone parameters

Again fairly well documented in the code

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