This pack will include pretty much all probes ever launched by NASA and the US military. It is a long term project and I will be adding to it slowly over time.
Picture Album:
##STOCKRemotetech Support:
- If you use remotetech, here is a module manager config to make the probes compatible:
##Install instructions:
- Download and install mod from here
- For Pioneer 10/11 place the ASAS module UPSIDE DOWN radially on the front "black area" of the probe. Without this you will need to control the probe backwards once in orbit
- Pioneer 0-2 has 3 parts, the main body, the decoupler and the retro boosters
- Probes are modeled in 1:1 scale and scaled down for KSP to be compatible with the rest of my parts which meet the ISS community pack guidelines of 64%
- Probes are VERY small, as this is realistic so you will need to zoom in a lot to use
Original Pioneer 6/7/8/9 mesh - Jack Higgins - heavily modified by me
Pioneer 10/11 mesh, EOS sats, NEO sats, Galileo orbital module, Magellan, TDRS, New Horizons, Voyager - NASA/JPL
Vanguard-1 - rodion_herrera - Used under authorization
Reflection Plugin - Starwaster - License: Public Domain
Smokescreen - Sarbian - License: BSD 2-Clause License
B.Dynamics - BahamutoD - License: CC-BY-SA
HotRockets - Nazari1382 - License: CC-BY
Firespitter - Snjo - License: You may reuse code and textures from this mod, as long as you give credit in the download file and on the download post/page. Reuse of models with permission. No reselling. No redistribution of the whole pack without permission. UV map texture guides are included so you can re-skin to your liking.
This license does not cover mod packs. Putting my work into a mod pack is prohibited.
Using any of my mods names or likenesses, including in derivative works, expansions, addons is prohibited