@noteblock (An open-source music bot based on lavalink.) 🤖: Version: 1.3.0.
🎵 | Listen to a music with style! Feature rich with high quality music from YouTube/Soundcloud.
- Fill
- rename
- Node.JS requirements
if you want to use the slash commands do:
- go to config.js
- if
change totrue
- start bot
- change again to false
you only can do this if the bot doesnt have slash commands.
- npm i
- npm start
- npm start:normal (for normal start, not running bash file, if your machine does not support node.js v16)
- Spotify support (no api key required)
- Lavalink
- Lightweight
- Go to replit.com and create account
- Click
and thenImport From Github
- Paste the link E.g
- get your bot token Discord Developer Portal
- paste your token to
with variableDISCORD_TOKEN= yOuR nIcE tOkEn
- run the code
- Go to glitch.com and create account
- Click
New Project
and thenImport From Github
- Paste the link E.g
- get your bot token Discord Developer Portal
- paste your token to
with variableDISCORD_TOKEN= yOuR nIcE tOkEn
- please support the project by give the project star
- please don't sell the code under any circumstances, the code will always free.