This is full stack project. Base idea is that user can create his own account. Customize data, links, pictures and upload his resume. Finish result is a full portfolio website that user can share with the world.
Project was created with React, MongoDB, Node, Express.
Sone future features:
changing style of website, different templates, colors etc.
Click here to see live version of this site.
- download this repository to your local machine
- in both client and server folders run command
npm install
- in server folder run code
node generateKeypairs.js
to crete your own RSA key for encryption. - you need to have MongoDB on your local machine or account in a cloud. MongoDB website
- project also includes other third party technologies that we need to have accounts: Sendgrid, Cloudinary,
- After setting up your accounts create .env file inside of server folder. Update this file with your credentials from accounts:
DB_STRING= your local link to MongoDB
DB_STRING_PROD= your ling to MongoDB in cloud
SENDGRID_API_KEY= your API key from Sendgrid
CLOUD_NAME= cloud name from Cloudinary
API_KEY=API key from Cloudinary
API_SECRET= API SECRET key from Cloudinary
after everything is set up run server and client folde commant
npm run dev
Enjoy your Portfolio Maker app!
Credits: Special thanks go to for Jen Kramer from Frondendmasters for idea and design inspiration.