Collection of classes for better work with Doctrine
- PHP 5.4 or higher
- Doctrine 2
- Nette Framework
- Kdyby\Doctrine
The best way to install Kappa\Doctrine is using Composer
$ composer require kappa/doctrine:@dev
Method entityToArray
requires entity object and returns Kappa\Doctrine\Converters\EntityToArrayConverter
- set list of items which you can ignore (ignore list and white list can be combined)setWhiteList(array)
- set list of items which you can transform (ignore list and white list can be combined)addFieldResolver(column name, resolver)
- you can set closure or concrete value for fieldconvert()
- returns generated array
$user = new User("Joe");
$user->setParent(new User("Joe senior"))
$array = $converter->entityToArray($user)
->addFieldResolver("age", 10)
->addFieldResolver("parent", function(User $parent) { return $parent->getName(); })
echo $array['name']; // print Joe
echo $array['parent']; // print Joe senior
echo $array['age']; // print 10
Method arrayToEntity
requires two argument. First argument can be entity object or entity class name and returns
- set list of items which you can ignore (ignore list and white list can be combined)setWhiteList(array)
- set list of items which you can transform (ignore list and white list can be combined)addItemResolver(column name, resolver)
- you can set closure or concrete value for itemconvert()
- returns generated array
$data = [
'name' => 'Joe',
'age' => 50,
'parent' => 1,
'sex' => 'male',
'private' => 'text',
$entity = $converter->arrayToEntity('User', $data)
->setWhiteList(['age', 'name', 'private'])
->setItemResolver('parent', function ($parent) {
return $this->dao->find($parent);
->setItemResolver('sex', 'female')
echo $entity->getName(); // print Joe
echo $entity->getSex(); // print female
$entity->getParent(); // returns instance of User
Recommended way for create instance of Kappa\Doctrine\Managers\CrudManager
is use Kappa\Managers\CrudManagerFactory
$crudManager = $this->crudManagerFactory->create(new User());
// or
$crudManager = $this->crudManagerFactory->create('Some\Entity\User');
Method create()
requires only one argument which it can be instance of entity or full namespace name.
Created CrudManager contains three methods for basic works with entity.
- Create a new entity and fill with dataupdate(id, array)
- Find entity byid
and fill with datadelete(id)
- Delete entity withid
$form = new Form();
$form->addSelect('parent', 'Parent item: ', $this->formItemsCreator->create('\UserEntity', new GetAll());
// or
$user = new User();
$form->addSelect('parent', 'Parent item: ', $this->formItemsCreator->create($user, new GetAll());
$this->formItemsCreator->create('\UserEntity', new GetAll());
use default columns id
and title
and create array like this
$array = [
'1' => 'John'
You can change default columns via config
identifierColumn: id
valueColumn: name
or as a third and fourth argument
$this->formItemsCreator->create('\UserEntity', new GetAll(), 'name', 'id');
Third argument is valueColumn
and last argument is identifierColumn
Time to time is needed run DQL query instead of manipulate with entity. Great way is build UPDATE (or DELETE) with QueryBuilder
Is very useful to create a query object for such cases. In Doctrine and Kdyby\Doctrine
you can create SELECT
query and run with $this->repository->fetch(new QueryObject)
query is not supported. QueryExecutor
is precisely for these situations.
class ExecutableQuery implements Executable
* @param QueryBuilder $queryBuilder
* @return QueryBuilder
public function build(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder)
$queryBuilder->update('KappaTests\Mocks\FormItemsEntity', 'r')
->set('r.title', $queryBuilder->expr()->literal('UPDATED'))
->where(' = ?0')
return $queryBuilder;
// and
$this->queryExecutor->execute(new ExecutableQuery());
## RouteParamsResolver
You can use `Kappa\Doctrine\Routes\RouteParamsResolver` for easy works with `FILTER_IN/OUT` in your routes
class Router
private $paramsResolver;
public function __construct(RouteParamsResolverFactory $factory)
$this->paramsResolver = $factory->create('App\Entities\Article');
* @return \Nette\Application\IRouter
public function createRouter()
$router = new RouteList();
$router[] = new Route('<presenter>/<action>[/<id>', [
'presenter' => 'Homepage',
'action' => 'default',
'id' => [
Route::FILTER_IN => [$this->paramsResolver, 'filterIn'],
Route::FILTER_IN => [$this->paramsResolver, 'filterOut']
return $router;