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Karanjot Singh edited this page Jul 12, 2021 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the microsoft_teams_clone contributor's wiki!

Thanks for your interest in contributing to this project.


  1. Good internet connectivity is required as this project uses third party libraries which will be needed to build the app.
  2. Download/Install latest VS Code or Android Studio.

Project Setup

Refer Project Setup

Instructions for making a code change

Working on your first Pull Request? You can learn how from this free series: How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub.

The following instructions describe how to make a one-off code change using a feature branch. (In case you're interested, we mainly use the Gitflow workflow.) Please follow them carefully, otherwise your code review may be delayed.

  1. Choose a descriptive branch name. It should be lowercase and hyphen-separated, such as splash-screen. Also, it shouldn't start with hotfix or release.

  2. Before coding anything, create a new branch with this name, starting from 'develop'. I.e., run:

      git fetch upstream
      git checkout develop
      git merge upstream/develop
      git checkout -b your-branch-name
  3. Make commit(s) to your feature branch. Each commit should be self-contained and have a descriptive commit message that helps other developers understand why the changes were made. However, do not write "Fix #ISSUE_NUMBER" (e.g. Fix #99999) in your commit messages, as this will cause Github to close the original issue automatically. You can rename your commit messages using git commit --amend.

    • Before making the commit, do some sanity-checks:

      • Start up a local instance do some manual testing in order to check that you haven't broken anything!
      • Ensure that your code follows the Effective Dart: Style and that it is well-tested.
      • Use a tool like git diff or meld to check that the changes you've made are exactly what you want them to be, and that you haven't left in anything spurious. Make sure to do this before you push.
    • To actually make the commit and push it to your GitHub fork, run:

        git commit -a -m "{{YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE HERE}}"
        git push origin {{YOUR BRANCH NAME}}
  4. When your feature is ready to merge, create a pull request.

    • Go to your fork on GitHub, select the develop branch from the dropdown menu, and click "pull request".
    • Add a descriptive title explaining the purpose of the PR (e.g. "Fix issue #bugnum: add a warning when the user leaves a page in the middle of an exploration.").
  5. Address review comments until the reviewers give LGTM ('looks good to me').

  6. Tidy up! After the PR status has changed to "Merged", delete the feature branch from both your local clone and the GitHub repository:

      git branch -D new-branch-name
      git push origin --delete new-branch-name
  7. Celebrate. Congratulations, you have contributed to this project!