computing multiple GEMMs with different matrix sizes
why: pytorch/cublas only support batched GEMM (use the same M, N, K), but does not support grouped GEMM (use different M, N, K for each matrix multiplication)
possible applications:
- transformer's attention matrix with different sizes;
- convolution with different size for each batch (e.g. point clouds with different num of points)
performance overview:
testing speed for torch.float16
time for pytorch = 3.5916242599487305
time for cutlass = 0.1151578426361084
testing speed for torch.float32 # note results are for fp32 instead of tf32
time for pytorch = 3.5333731174468994
time for cutlass = 0.14151287078857422
testing speed for torch.float64
time for pytorch = 3.743123769760132
time for cutlass = 0.45430731773376465
a build example:
please change set(COMPILE_CC 80)
in CMakeLists.txt
to a proper arch before compilation
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$CONDA_PREFIX/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/share/cmake/Torch
make VERBOSE=1
cd -
run the test script:
- to use fp32/fp64, must compile with arch >= 50
- to use fp16, must compile with arch >= 75
- matrix sizes of fp16 must be aligned with 8