psyposquatter is a PowerShell script for checking similarly named, also called
typosquatted or namesquatted, PowerShell packages on PSGallery. psyposquatter makes simple
permutations, additions or omissions to generate package names and checks if
the packages is available using the standard PowerShell command Find-Module
The name psyposquatter was inspired by the pytosquatting project and awesome research by Benjamin Bach and Hanno Böck from 2016/2017.
For more information about typosquatting see the repository PackAtt&ck.
PS> . ./psyposquatter.ps1
PS> Find-TypoModule -Package test -WhatIf
PS> Find-TypoModule -Package test
PS> Find-TypoModule -List packages-top-40.txt
PS> Find-TypoModule -Package AzureRM.profile
Check Package "AzureRM.profile"
Check AureRM.profile
Check AuzreRM.profile
Check AzreRM.profile
Check AzrueRM.profile
Check AzueRM.profile