Campaign builder platform for progressive organizations to mobilize for action.
- Ruby
- Rails
- PostgreSQL
- Bcrypt - Secure Login
- Bootstrap - Style!
- CarrierWave - Image Uploads!
- Friendly_Id - Vanity URLs!
- jQuery-Rails - jQuery!
- SearchKick - Searches!
- Will_Paginate - Pagination!
- Sign up & Sign in
- Secure account creation with Bcrypt!
- Strict params for password creation.
- Only signed in users can Create, Edit/Update, & Destroy their own campaigns and profile.
- See join date.
- Taking Action
- Non-users can view campaigns and sign a petition.
- Anyone can search through the index of campaigns for keywords associated with an organization's name, a campaign and campaign category.
- Campaign stats!
- Users can export a CSV file for each of campaign from their profile page.
- Campaign data includes the basic contact information of each campaign signer.
- Flash messages and form helpers!
- Friendly flash messages, notations, and jQuery word counters are used on forms to notate special conditions.
- More sophisticated search options and sorting.
- Allow site visitors and users to search and sort by an organization's name, a campaign's category, geographic location, and/or a campaign's recency and popularity.
- A gallery of templates for users to choose from and customize!
- Add a WYSIWYG editor for campaigns.
- Advanced targeting for campaigns.
- Enable users to select more than one target for a campaign and have pre-populated contact information for government bodies and officials.
- Add rating key values to post model for users to rank different aspects of their travel experience.
- A/B tests for campaigns!
- Allow users to set up split tests for campaigns to optimize campaign conversions.
- More sophisticated data collection and synching to a organization's CRM!
- More social share features for action takers to share the campaign through other channels.
- Post-action email
- Enable user to set up and send post-action emails via Grumpy Bear.