Welcome to the Guessing Game, a thrilling smart contract-based game built on the zkSync Era Testnet. This game allows players to guess a secret number and win a prize if their guess is correct. The game is powered by a smart contract that utilizes the ERC20 token standard for transactions. A winner gets 80% of the contract ether and 100 GUESS tokens.
- Bet Amount: Each game bet requires 0.001 Ether.
- Secret Number Selection: Only the owner of the smart contract can select the secret number.
To participate in the Guessing Game, you need to have some testnet ETH. You can learn how obtain testnet ETH from the zkSync docs: Network Faucets.
You can play the Guessing Game directly on this website Guessing game. Alternatively, you can clone the repository and run the game locally as described above.
To run the game locally clone the repository, install dependencies and lunch the game:
git clone https://github.com/KatyaRyazantseva/Guessing-game.git
cd next-app
yarn install
yarn run dev
The Guessing Game is built on the zkSync Era Testnet, a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that uses zero-knowledge proofs to enhance scalability and security. For more information on zkSync Era, visit zkSync Era Docs.
- Frontend: The game's web application is built using Next.js + Wagmi.
- Smart Contracts: The game's smart contracts are developed using Hardhat.
- GuessingToken:
- GuessingGame:
To test and deploy the smart contracts, follow the instuctions in the hardhat README.md
This project is licensed under the MIT License.