A small website written in sveltekit to serve as a directory for a certain group of spacemans.
Install Node Version Manager and use the latest LTS
nvm use --lts
Clone or fork the project and install dependencies using npm install
Visit the lib folder and create your config.js.
From there you can run the server using the one of the commands below.
# Runs the server with live reloading.
npm run dev
# Also opens a new tab on your browser for faster debugging
npm run dev -- --open
# Will expose the server to your local network
npm run dev -- --host
# Run the build step
npm run build
# Then preview runs your production server
npm run preview
# Alternatively will do both for you
npm run prod
Content unless otherwise stated is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0.
Most assets are licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 unless stated otherwise. Assets have their license and the copyright in the metadata file. Example.
Note that some assets are licensed under the non-commercial CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 or similar non-commercial licenses and will need to be removed if you wish to use this project commercially.