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Playground for formal specifications of interfaces in Julia


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Recently there's been a lot of interest in attempting to add more static guarantees or checking to julia as a language. I think this interest is coming from a number of different angles, but I've heard at least the following:

  1. Some people would like a more formalized way to document the expectations of various interfaces that provide extension points. E.g. what exactly does it mean to be iterable, to be an array, a random number generator, etc.

  2. Some people would like like better tooling to automatically determine whether an interface has been implemented correctly or not. E.g. if somebody implements a custom lattice for the compiler, it would be nice to make sure that it satisfies the basic interface.

  3. Some people would like more static guarantees on abstract signatures for optimization reasons (e.g. to prevent invalidations)

I think the solutions to these kinds of things fall in roughly two general categories:

  1. Semantic Solutions: These are changes to the language semantics, for example by being able to restrict and check the return types of abstract signatures and enforce the implementation.

  2. Non-Semantic Solutions: In this model, interface specifications never change the semantics of a program, but interfaces are useful for the developer as documentation and can potentially be checked at test time (or a separate check stage).

This package

This package is a playground for my thinking around this topic. I hesitate to even call it a proposal, because I'm not sure it's going anywhere, but I think there's some neat ideas that I'd like to explore.

The core idea of this package is that I'd like to provide the ability for users to write down specifications for the interfaces in a natural, but machine-readable way and then use these specifications to provide a smooth path from property-based testing of these specifications to a more formal-methods/type-checking based approach to software verification.

Low-level semantics and their applications

The intrinsics

The rest of this document discussed a number of different interfaces, APIs and tools that could be built. However, it has come to my attention that it wasn't clear that these are all intended to be built on the same primitive (just with various variations of syntax sugar). Therefore, before we go any further, let's talk about the core intrinsics in this proposal and their semantics. Readers interested primarily in the high-level interface may skip ahead.

The core of this package's design is the addition of two intrinsics, forall and exists. Both intrinsics are similar in that they operate (semantically) on the abstract space of all possible julia objects. Of course, there is infinitely many such objects, so these semantics are not implementable computationally directly, but as discussed below, that does not mean that an implementation cannot be provided by computing the same semantics in a smarter way.

To understand the semantics of these intrinsics, let us supposed we had an interator all_julia_objects() that (in no particular order) returned all (newly instantiated - see below for notes on mutation) julia objects (of all possible types currently defined). Of course this iterator is countably infinite and not implementable (and not part of the proposal), but it has useful explanatory power.

With this assumption, the semantics of forall and exists are roughly:

function forall(f, π)
    check_effects(π, (:effect_free, :noub, :terminates))
    check_effects(f, (:effect_free_if_inaccessiblemem, :noub, :terminates))
    for x in all_julia_objects()
        # N.B.: The iteration order of `all_julia_objects()` is not defined.
        r = f(try
            π(x...) # Mostly, see semantic exception for type constructors below
        # For convenience and to avoid user error.
        @assert r === nothing || r === true

function exists(π)
    check_effects(π, (:effect_free, :noub, :terminates))
    for x in all_julia_objects()
        # N.B.: The iteration order of `all_julia_objects()` is not defined,
        # so different invocations of `exists` may produce different witnesses,
        # and in particular, `exists` is not `:consistent`.
            r = π(x)
            @assert r === nothing || r === true
            return x
    throw(#= Implementation defined error type =#)

These semantics are very similar, so it's possible we may want to unify them as one intrinsic in the future, but they serve different purposes, so let's treat them separately for now.

Informally, forall executes some test function f for all julia objects that match some criteria specified by the projection function π. Similarly, exists produces some julia object that satiesfies the projection function.

Since both the predicate (f) and projection (π) functions are effect-checked, the primary question is whether a particular predicate or projection will throw an error for a particular input. This is the basis of the theorem proving capabilities of these intrinsics.

A first proof

For example, consider

forall(Int) do x
    x + x == 2x

If this call (semantically) does not error, we have proven the property true for all values of type Int. Even though this example looks simple, there are a number of subtle points that need addressing.

  1. First, why does Int work as a projection function here? The trivial answer is that we have a method Int(x::Int) = x. The semantic all_julia_objects, includes integers, and since that method does not throw, all integers are selected as the predicate set. Of course, there's more than this method that produces integers, e.g. we also have Int(x::Float64) = convert(Int, x), but the only semantically determinable question is whether an object is in the predicate set, not how many times it was selected.

** Pedantic footnoe: (one might object that since we did not check consistent, running the same predicate function twice might error in one instance and return in the other - however, consistent-cy is defined with respect to a particular environment state and the absence of mutation guaranteed by :effect_free, combined with the non-definedness of the execution order allows us to assume egal heap states for egal objects). **

  1. At this point one might object that this is a very roundabout way of specifying that the prdicate set is all values of type Int. And indeed, implementations can and should just look at the type of the projection function and make the appropriate conclusion. We will see more interesting cases where π is not just a type constructor shortly. However, in the meantime, this does bring us to one important additional semantic wrinkle: At present, constructors do not in fact fully constrain the possible julia values of a given type as values can be constructed indirectly using unsafe_load, reinterpret or eval(Expr(:new)). To address this, we add a type constructor exception to our semantics, where if the predicate is a literal type constructor, we extend the predicate set to all values of that type, independent of whether they are constructable by their constructors or not. In the future, core julia might gain a concept of sealed types where bypassing the constructor is disallowed, in which case this exception would of course only apply to non-sealed types.

  2. Even though the predicate looks trivial (and it basically is), there is actually a fair bit going on here. In parcticular, dynamic dispatch needs to be performed as usual, so this is an assertion not just about the behavior of Int arithmetic, but also about the dispatches of +, == and implicit multiplication.

Proof checking as compiler optimization

For the particular example we just look at, implementing a correct version of forall turns out to be relatively simple. In particular, the regular julia compilation pipeline is strong enough to fully resolve this question and turn x + x == 2x into return true. Thus, to implement forall, we can simply run the regular compilation pipeline, see if the predicate function is return true (or similar) and then compile forall to a no-op.

In fact, this is a general sketch for implementing proof-checkers in this scheme. The standard julia pipeline is run to ensure the required effects and strip away julia-specific semantics around multiple-dispatch, etc, providing a monomorphised version of the code that may then be compiled to any target that may be capable of performing the proof. In the present example, this was LLVM, but the pacakge contains experimental bindings to Z3 as well and the intention is to be as agnostic as possible to the proof backend.

The primary benefit of this setup is that it re-uses the entire compiler stack built for static compilation of Julia. As in the static compilation case, not all julia code will be suitable for use as predicate and projection functions. As such, it is important to have tooling that explains to the user what limitations they need to impose on their functions in order to be able to use them with this scheme. By sharing this implementation work across use cases, the burden on tool development can hopefully be minimized.

When is π is not a type

In all of our examples, we have so far used a type as the projection function. Let's consider an example where it is not:

function ZeroUniversal(T)
    forall(a->iszero(a::T)) do a
        forall(iszero, b->a == b::T)
        forall(b->iszero(b::T)) do b
            a == b

Or, in English-math-language, we might say:

  1. For all a of type T such that iszero(a) (is true), we require that a. for all b of type T such that a == b, we have iszero(b) (is true) and b. for all b of type T such that iszero(b), we have a == b (is true)

Or, said equivalently

  1. For all a, b of type T, iszero(a) implies (iszero(b) if and only if a == b)

In particular, this implies that we have no separate representation of implication in this system, just a particularly general way of typing the inputs to forall. This is of course no ground-breaking discovery - dependently typed proof systems are built around this kind of observation. However, as our flavor of the intrinsics is somewhat different, I thought it deserved a specific mention.

exists as a test case synthesizer

So for we have seen forall, but not exists. exists functions as usual in the quantifier in forall-exists specs, e.g. we may write

forall(Int) do c
    forall(Int) do a
        exists(b->a + b == c)

but we can also use exists without any outer forall, in which case it will of course just synthesize a value that matches the projection.

# Make sure that this is a super safe password
julia> safe_password(s::String) = s[1] == s[7] && lowercase(s[2]) == s[4]

julia> exists(safe_password)

julia> safe_password("tBRbeAt")

This is the connection to property checking. We can generally use the same specs written using forall and spot check them on particular instances, either written by the user or synthesized via exists.

exists as a proof-check request

Consider the following struct

@sealed struct Fact{T}
    valid_worlds #= To support invalidations, ignore for now =#
    proof #= optional for introspection =#
    function Fact(spec)
        check_effects(spec, (:effect_free, :noub, :terminates))
        new(spec, get_valid_worlds(), nothing)

With the above encoding, where we equate true proofs with appropriately effect-checked functions, the construction of Fact requires the truth of the fact asserted and exists may be used to request the system to attempt a proof:

struct Commutativity{T, Op}; end
function (::Commutativity{T, Op})() where {T, Op}
    forall(NTuple{2, T}) do (a, b)
        forall(Op) do op
            op(a, b) == op(b, a)
julia> exists(Fact{Commutativity{Int, +}}) # Request the system to attempt to prove commutativity of +(::Int, ::Int)
#= Fact object with optional proof or error =#

Thoughts on mutation

As described above, the forall function requires :effect_free_if_inaccessiblemem effects, i.e. the compiler needs to prove that the predicate does not perform any unbounded heap mutation. However, heap mutation that is bounded to heap objects whose lifetime does not exceed the duration of the forall body is permitted. This is intended to be a practical tradeoff that allows predicates that make use of mutation, while still requiring that the (non)-execution of the forall predicate is not externally observable.

A related issue that arises in the presence of mutation and identity is the question of the range of the all_julia_objects pseudo-intrinsics discussed above. As mentioned in the side-node, we consider newly allocated object hierarchies here, not existing julia objects. In particular, exists will never return a mutable object that aliases an existing mutable object:

julia> x = Ref{Int}(0)

julia> exists(y->x === y)
# Errors, no such object

The question then arises how to perform verification of side-effecting code, where the side-effect is an essential part the property to verify. This area needs some further thought, but the current thought is that this should be done by compining an external transformation that transforms the unbounded side-effect to a verification-compatible bounded side effect, e.g.:

@overlaypass struct ShadowHeap
    heap::IdDict{GlobalRef, Any}

@overlay ShadowHeap function getglobal(m::Module, s::Symbol)
    g = nonoverlay(getglobal, m, s)
    isconst(m, s) ? return g : get(getpass().heap, GlobalRef(m, s), g)

@overlay ShadowHeap function setglobal!(m::Module, s::Symbol, v)
    getpass().heap[GlobalRef(m, s)] = v

# Plus magic definition to turn global ref/set into corresponding intrinsic calls

Then, we can query side effects as usual, but the modification is bounded under the hood:

exists(s) do
    ShadowHeap() do
        global my_global_val
        setglobal!(@__MODULE__, s, 4)
        my_global_val == 4

Naturally, any such modeling might need custom integration with the backend proof system to be properly embeddable. Hopefuly this can be addressed just as any compiler plugin would.

One higher-level interface: purely type-based interfaces

A long-standing feature request in the julia community has been the addition of some notion of higher-level specification of interfaces such as abstract arrays. There's two primary purposes for this kind of systems:

  1. Implementers of new array types want to know that they have correctly implemented the array type.

  2. Users want to know that they are not accidentally relying on implementation details of a particular AbstractArray, but rather that their code is generic over all AbstractArrays

One primary issue that is often brought up with this is that in julia, types are used for dispatch, not correctness, so the mere existence of a particular method does not guarantee that the method actually conforms to the interface. For AbstractArray, one such invariant may be that:

A[i] = x
@assert x == A[i]

The mere existence of getindex and setindex do not assure that the array actually does something with it, only that no immediate method error will be thrown.

Of course, the system we have just presented is perfectly capable of encoding behavioral invariants in addition to type-based one. However, there are potential robustness challenges. The system just presented is completely general and it is not completely clear what particular subset of julia code will be proveable on any particular backend. As a result, the full system may be hard to use correctly.

One natural way out of this connundrum is to create a more restrictive view into the full system that is sufficiently powerful to specify interfaces of moderate complexity, but yet restricted enough to have some chance of being checked automatically. By view here, I mean some higher-level abstraction that provides a restricted version of the capability, but is nevertheless semantically representable by the same intrinsics and that uses the same top-level entry points as the full system.

This package includes such an abstraction as the Interface spec in the sugar directory. Let us walk through it as both an example of the usage of the lower level interface and a description of the high-level interface.

First, we must consider what it is that we actually want to prove. There's a few options, but a reasonable choice is to try to prove that in the cases we're interested in, a method of the desired signature exists (no MethodErrors get thrown), returns a value of the correct type. So, let's write such a spec (for a single singature for the time being):

struct CheckSignature
    signature::Pair{Signature, Type}

function (cs::CheckSignature)()
    (sig, rt) = cs.signature
    forall(args->args[1](Base.tail(args)...)::rt, sig)

This is basically what we want, but does prohibit all errors, not just MethodError. We can relax this by wrapping in try/catch

struct DoesNotThrow{T, E}
DoesNotThrow{<:Any,E}(spec) where {E} =
    DoesNotThrow(spec, E.instance)
function (spec::DoesNotThrow)()
    catch err
        @show err
        @assert !isa(err, spec.errT)
const DoesNotThrowMethodErorr{T} = DoesNotThrow{T, MethodError}

Then we just define an interface as a collection of just checked signatures that do not throw:

struct Interface
    signatures::Tuple{Vararg{Pair{Signature, Type}}}
(iface::Interface)() = foreach(sig->DoesNotThrow(CheckSignature(sig), MethodError)(), iface.signatures)

We can also check a particular other method under the assumption that an interface is correctly defined:

struct InterfaceCheck
function (ic::InterfaceCheck)()
    forall(ic.iface) do _
        DoesNotThrow(CheckSignature(ic.checksig), MethodError)()

To understand why this works, remember from above the correspondence between projection and implication. In particular, to prove InterfaceCheck, it is not necessary to prove that the relevant interface holds, only that the predicate holds if the interface does.


Playground for formal specifications of interfaces in Julia







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