This repository contains the steps and stages utilized to create an ingredient network. One can view an ingredient network as a visualization of common ingredients in recipes. Each node represents an ingredient, and a edge occurs between two nodes if the two ingredients occur in a recipe.
First a recipe scrapper was built, and was utilized on This collected various amounts of metadata, but most importantly were the ingredients of the recipe.
Using an ingredient tagger found at: the base ingredients were extracted from the recipe metadata. The model found here was trained on 100 thousand rows provided by New York Times.
Once the base ingredients were found, the next step was to take a count of how many times a specific ingredient occurred in the list of recipes. These provided the weights to the graph, the higher the frequency the larger the node in the graph is.
After the ingredients were split into combinations of two, this was to determine if an edge should be between the two node ingredients. If the paired ingredients occurred together in a proportion of recipes, an edge was drawn between the two.
Paper for intial ideas can be found here: