Rust implementation of a driver for an iDotMatrix bluetooth display
based on
the driver is in, an example with a command line interface is provided and ready for use
> cargo run -q --example cli -- --help
Usage: cli [OPTIONS]
--set-pixel <SET_PIXEL> Pixel in format x,y,#ffffff
--image-mode <IMAGE_MODE>
--upload-png <UPLOAD_PNG> Path to png file
--upload-gif <UPLOAD_GIF> Path to gif file
--full-screen-color <FULL_SCREEN_COLOR> Color in hex format, e.g. #ffffff
--screen-brightness <SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS> Brightness in percent, e.g. 100
--countdown-start <COUNTDOWN_START> Countdown in seconds
--color-hue Continuously change color demo
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
cargo run --example cli -- --upload-png demo_32.png
cargo run --example cli -- --full-screen-color "#00ff00"
cargo run --example cli -- --set-pixel "2,2,#00ff00"