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This project involves developing a single-page React.js application that manages a list of shops. The application integrates with Firebase Firestore for data storage and use Material-UI (MUI) components for the user interface. Additionally, this project utilizes Recoil, a state management library to handle state logic in the application.
- Firestore Powered: Stores shop data efficiently in real-time using Firebase Firestore.
- Visual Shop Management: Displays a grid of shops with add, edit, and delete functionalities.
- Interactive Map: Features a map showing shop locations, updating dynamically with changes.
- User-Friendly Shop Creation/Editing: Offers an intuitive modal with autocomplete and map integration for easy data entry.
- Seamless Location Setting: Allows setting shop locations either by clicking on the map or typing in the autocomplete field, ensuring accuracy and consistency.
- Recoil for Clean Code: Manages complex state logic efficiently using Recoil, promoting code maintainability.
- TypeScript
- React.js
- Material-UI
- React Router Dom
- React Hooks
- Recoil (state management library)
- Google Api
- React (TypeScript): A core framework for building the UI, utilizing TypeScript's type safety and tooling.
- HTML/CSS: Markup and styling for the application's structure and visual presentation.
- TypeScript: Superset of JavaScript providing type checking and improved code maintainability.
- Google Maps API: Used to integrate and manage the map component.
- Recoil: State management library for organizing and sharing application state.
- React Hook Form: Form library for handling form state, validation, and submission.
- Zod: Schema validation library for enforcing data types and constraints.
- Firebase Firestore.
Additional Skills:
- Geocoding: Converting addresses to coordinates for map placement.
- Autocomplete: Implementing suggestions for location input.
Soft Skills:
- Problem-Solving: Ability to identify and address technical challenges.
- Organization: Structuring code and project files for maintainability.
- Attention to Detail: Ensuring accuracy and consistency in features.
- User Experience (UX) Design: Creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.
To run the app locally,
- First fork and clone the repository.
- Then change to the directory where the repository is cloned.
- Run
npm install
to install the dependencies. - Run
npm run dev
to run the application.
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2024 © Khaled Ellithy