Lostinger is a community-driven platform designed to help individuals recover lost items and assist others in reuniting with their belongings.
- Report lost items with detailed descriptions and images.
- Post found items with information about where and when they were found.
- Powerful search and matching system to connect lost and found items.
- Secure messaging for users to coordinate item return.
- Fosters a sense of community support and goodwill.
- React
- Bootstrap
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens):
- Apache:
To run Lostinger locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/lostinger.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd lostinger
Install the required dependencies for both the frontend and backend. Set up your database and configure the backend to connect to it. Start the development server for the frontend:
cd front-end npm install npm start
Start the backend server: Set up your database and configure the backend to connect to it. Start the development server for the frontend:
cd back-end composer install php -S localhost:8000