In this projects you can see different, unrelated projects. Here is small descriptions of each of them:
◈ Example of plot
◌ It`s just example of plot (quit logical). Two years ago I was planting radish, so I decide to do aproximat plot of its growing.
◈ Hello
◌ It says 'hello' to you, says how old are you. Also it can print funny comment, but it depends on input.
◈ bool булевский тип данных
◌ Here is information about boolean type of values and example of it`s use.
◈ for i in range(x, y)
◌ Just example of using construction 'for i in range(n₁, n₂)'.
◈ range()
◌ Example and a little information about class Range.
◈ Белый список
◌ Creates a white list, than takes on requests, than accept only that in white list.
◈ Бургер
◌ Print real fresh burger for you! Bon appetit!)
◈ Виды параметров
◌ Useful information with examples about types of parameters in functions and methods.
◈ Виселица
◌ Funny and quite complicated game to check your vocab! Try to guess a word before all your tries come down!
◈ Високосный год
◌ You`re entering a year, and program check is it leap.
◈ Восьмой знак
◌ Actually, I myself still don`t understand what doing this strange program🤦♂️. Something with eighth symbol in string.
◈ Делать зарядку нужно каждый день!
◌ String 'Делать зарядку нужно каждую неделю.' is replaced to 'Делать зарядку нужно каждый день!'.
◈ Дизъюнкция
◌ Couple of information about logic operation OR.
◈ Инверсия
◌ Couple of information about logic operation NOT.
◈ Инициалы заданного имени + функция
◌ If you look at the code you can find there function, that get initials from string of name.
◈ Квадрат найден
◌ I think it`s quite useful program, especially in 8th grade. It finds root of a number.
◈ Конъюкция
◌ Couple of information about logic operation AND.
◈ Кортеж (tuple)
◌ Information about type of values 'tuple'.
◈ Крутой калькулятор
◌ Calculator with colors, error exceptions and quality functions.
◈ Куб найден
◌ Program finds arithmetic cube root of a number.
◈ Кубы
◌ At first it print cubes of numbers, and than it raise your number in third degree.
◈ Ларёк
◌ You can choose what you like and order.
◈ Логическая задача
◌ Can you solve this puzzle?
◈ Локальные и глобальные переменные, пространство имен. (функции)
◌ Here is information about global and local variables.
◈ Маленький калькулятор
◌ Program return sum, difference, product and division of two entered numbers.
◈ Мастер - класс, объекты
◌ Interesting topic of objects in Python. In this program you can find experiment with variables.
◈ Месяца
◌ Printing all months.
◈ Месяцы, кортежи
◌ Example of operations with tuples.
◈ Методы строк
◌ Information with examples of methods of strings.
◈ Минимальное нечетное число
◌ Program finds the least odd number.
◈ Множества (set)
◌ Information about such type of values as sets.
◈ Найти наибольшее число
◌ Small program, that find the largest number.
◈ Обработка ошибок
◌ Information about error exceptions.
◈ Обратный отсчет
◌ Function, that prints numbers from n to 1.
◈ Одинаковые числа
◌ Program checks if entered numbers have any equal.
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