This piece of code downloads google images which you have searched in your browser using the html saved page of that search. Some example pages are put in the example folder. The more you scroll down and the page loads you are giving more links to be saved to the program.
Purpose: The reason for writing this code was that i needed to gather a data-set for a DL university project and hence i made this tool so i can get images for the Computer Vision project. Hence this is for educational purpose.
You can too gather data-set if you want to using this code.
The way it works is that when you download the prototype code which is a bit hard-code you will need to change two variables which are the directory variable and the folder_name variable.
Directory:This will take the directory name along with the html file as input.
folder_name:This will the output folder in which the images will be placed.
NOTE:You need to download the html page of said google image search of this will not work.
Also as this is a prototype it will get 50% or greater precent of the images from said search.
A GUI based version( has been added which main purpose is so that the user can easily input the nesssary details to system.
BUG: When it starts to scarp the progress will visible on the console as the GUI freezes till the scarping finish. So please use the console to monitor.
Disclaimer: I am not respoible for any copy-right infringement. You will use this code/program at your own risk.