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2.1 About custom sockets for VFXs

Klian edited this page Nov 22, 2022 · 1 revision

Decoration sockets

As described in the Data Structure page, the GoreSystemComponent will spawn a list of Decoration Meshes (both Static and Skeletal are supported) attached to the "parent" skeletal mesh component once a limb is detached.

It is important to follow some simple rules to use this feature:

Using custom sockets will allow you to use the editor's tools to set the correct transforms for your decoration meshes.


Open your skeletal mesh asset and select THE PARENT BONE of the bone you are setting up (ie. your bone is "upperarm_r", select "clavicle_r") and add a new socket.


Rename your socket as you wish, in my case i added "_deco" as suffix for each bone name. Now you can select a preview asset and tweak location, rotation and scale of your socket to fit your model.

Remember, you can use as many socket you wish if you have to handle multiple models with the same skeleton.


Example video [Metahuman skeleton]

DecoMesh Sockets Video

Spill sockets

The system will automatically calculate the blood emitter's (spilling blood) location and rotation, but if you're not happy with the result you can manually set a custom socket with the correct transform relative to the affected bone.

Differently from Decoration Sockets, you'll need to add your custom socket directly to the interested bone.

Rename the socket with the same name of the interested bone followed by "_spill", for example if you're setting up the socket for the "upperarm_r", you'll need to rename your socket "upperarm_r_spill"


You can add a preview mesh/vfx attached to your socket, this could be helpful to easily set the correct transform.
