Releases: KnoP-01/rapid-for-vim
Releases · KnoP-01/rapid-for-vim
- Add tool change and some other missing instructions and datatypes
- Add some missing conveyor tracking instructions
- Add rapid numbers in Dec-, Hex-, Oct- and Bin-format
- Fix concealing of structure values
- Use quickfixtextfunc instead of temp file to modify the quickfix
window - Raise chars of shortened path in quickfix window from 3 to 5 for
readability - Fix false highlight if a ] is part of a string in a struct
- Change highlight of config header
- Optimize 'path' generation
- Enable spell checking only for comments and strings
- Fix false highlight of the end of rapidStructVal
- Updt to RW6.10; add missing commands, functions and data types and constants
- Add more commands, functions and data types and constants of optional technology
- Allow umlauts
- Set 'fileencoding' = latin1 (even if Robot Studio accepts UTF8, the robot itself does not!)
- Fix highlight of struct which span over lines
- Add endwise (tpope) support
- Support ]],[[... for .cfg files
- Make mappings for conceal structs work if g:rapidConcealStructs=0
- Highlight of conditional argument
- Highlight -name strings longer than 32 chars as error
- Refactor indent file
- enable most features by default
- add text objects for Proc/Func/Trap.. and comment blocks
- [[, [], ... work in operator pending mode
- add commands/types of some technology packages
- fix bug where unnamed buffers are created for each use of gd, f and u
- add EIO.cfg etc to 'complete', customizable (see :help rapid-complete)
- restructure help
- added text objects for functions (depends on g:rapidMoveAroundKeyMap: set this option to 2 to get the textobjects)
af (around function): from proc, func, trap or record to endproc et al.
aF: as af but includes all comments directly above proc et al. and one empty line after endproc et al.
if (inner function): from one line after proc et al. to one line before endproc et al. - made label highlighting more consistent
- changes in help file
- highlight procs and vars >32 char as error