Open-source code of the website, written in Symfony2.
Any ideas are welcome!
Please note that this service was previously called Symfony2Bundles but we had to change the name due to trademark issues.
git clone git://
To configure your database in your development environment, copy
to /app/config/parameters.yml
edit it according to your database settings.
If you want to use github connect locally, you'll need to create an app on github with the callback:
And update the parameters.yml with the Client ID and Secret.
If you also want to use sensio labs connect locally, you'll need to create a client on sensio labs connect with the callback:
And update the parameters.yml with the Client ID and Secret.
docker build
docker up -d
docker-compose exec php php app/console doctrine:schema:create
docker-compose exec php php app/console --env=test doctrine:schema:create
docker-compose exec php php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
docker-compose exec php php app/console --env=test doctrine:fixtures:load
docker-compose exec php php app/console assets:install --symlink web/
docker-compose exec php php app/console assetic:dump --env=dev
docker-compose exec php php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod
docker-compose exec php phpunit -c app
docker-compose exec php ./bin/behat @KnpBundlesBundle
docker-compose exec php php app/console doctrine:migrations:diff
docker-compose exec php php app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
docker-compose exec php php app/console cache:warmup
We rely on RabbitMQ to update bundles:
- The main server produces messages saying "Hey, we should update this bundle"
- The consumers read these messages and update them
To launch a consumer, do:
docker-compose exec php php app/console rabbitmq:consumer update_bundle
Note that you will need a functional rabbitmq server − Follow the instructions in this page to install it.
docker-compose exec php php app/console kb:populate
This can take a long time. GitHub API is limited to 60 calls per minute, so the commands needs to wait.
docker-compose exec php php app/console kb:update:bundles
This can take a long time but should be run to trigger update on all bundles when this is needed.
We use Solr and its PHP client Solarium to search bundles.
To install Solr, follow this steps:
- Download the version 3.6.2 (new versions are not compatibles) and extract it
- Uses the command
kb:solr:start --solr-path="/path/to/solar-3.6.2/example"
- And run
kb:solr:index --verbose
Use the default Jetty server included with SOLR. The default directory used for the installation is opt/solr/example
Copy the recommended configuration and schema found here
to your solr/conf directory.
You can run SOLR using:
docker-compose exec php php app/console kb:solr:start
See bin/ script Bundles will be automatically indexed on next update, or you can force indexing by console command.
If you have Solr up and running, simply do:
docker-compose exec php php app/console kb:solr:index --verbose
This will index all bundles.
docker-compose exec php php app/console kb:sitemap:generate --spaceless=1
Will create sitemap.xml and sitemap.xml.gz in web directory. Sitemap includes bundles and user profiles