Creating a visual map representation of earthquake data from the United States Geological Survey, USGS for short, using Leaflet, D3, and Leaflet plugins.
- Data collection:
- Calling USGS API to collect global earthquake data from the past seven days.
- Calling GeoJSON API from GitHub to collect the tectonic plate data.
- Creating functions:
- Circle Leaflet chart - A function to adjust the size of a circle (earthquake object) to the map zoom level. The function takes a magnitude component and multiplies its value by 100,000.
- Circle Leaflet chart - A function to modify the colour of a circle (earthquake object) based on the depth component of the earthquake object.
- Tooltip - A function to collect the tooltip information on each earthquake object. The tooltip includes the following information:
- Place - The place where the earthquake occurred.
- The time & and date of the earthquake.
- The magnitude of the earthquake.
- Depth - The depth of the earth.
- Legend - A function to fit an earthquake's depth to the depth range.
- Visualising: Leaflet Heatmap (to show the density of earthquakes within a particular area), circles (each circle in the map represent an earthquake), and tectonic plates (to identify areas with high density of earthquakes).
- Creating the base and overlay maps:
- Basemaps: Open street map, topographic map (open street map).
- Overlay maps: Tectonic plates, Earthquakes, and Density Heatmap.
- Leaflet
- D3
- Leaflet Heatmap
- HTML - Frontend
- JavaScript - Backend
├── Images
│ ├── earthquakes.png
│ ├── heatmap.png
│ ├── topo_global.jpeg
├── static
│ ├── CSS
│ | ├── belly_dashboard.png
│ ├── JS
│ | ├── leaflet-heat.js # This is the Leaflet Plugin
│ | ├── logic.js # This is an inclusive solution of both part 1 and part 2 of this challenge.
├── index.html