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Mathieu edited this page Aug 8, 2022 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the pzpw wiki!

Getting Started


To use PZPW command-line you need these software installed on your machine.


Install PZPW node module globally.

> npm install -g pzpw

New Project

Create a new Project Zomboid PipeWrench Mod anywhere you want in your computer.

> cd C:\My-PZPW-Mods
> pzpw new

Open the new mod directory in your code editor.
I personally use


When preparing your mod for the next Project Zomboid patch, you can switch PipeWrench typing to the unstable branch using a single command.

> pzpw switch unstable

You can switch back to stable branch using

> pzpw switch stable

Linking to a git repo

  1. Create a new git repo on Github.
  2. Copy the repo url ending with .git
  3. Run pzpw git command from the root of your new mod directory.
  4. Paste your .git repo url.
  5. Optionally, enter yes to push your first commit.


PZPW Template use a file named pzpw-config.json to configure each mods and workshop information.

If you are using VSCode a json schema is included and configured by default to get auto-complete.

- Mod Assets

When adding a mod using the command pzpw add it will create an new asset directory for that mod.

You can place all your assets (scripts text file, models, textures, packs, etc) files in there.

- Copyright

You can add your copyright in assets/copyright.txt, the distribution compilation will prepend it at the top of each of your script.

- Workshop description

You can set your workshop description in assets/workshop/description.txt, the workshop compilation will handle it automatically.

- Workshop preview image

You can set your workshop preview image in assets/workshop/preview.png.

Custom cachedir

If you are using a custom Project Zomboid cachedir path you can set it using

> pzpw cachedir set D:/Zomboid

Otherwise it will default to the vanilla path.


> pzpw compile distribution

Distribution compilation will copy the generated mod directories into your game cachedir mods/ directory.


> pzpw compile workshop

Worshop compilation will copy the generated workshop directory into your game cachedir workshop/ directory.