A simple rock paper scissors game that allows a player to play against a computer opponent.
Built using Python Object-Oriented Programming.
Offers dialogue from a computer opponent named Frank.
Allows the user to choose between the three traditional options in rock, paper, scissors, and compares them to Frank's, which are determined by random choice().
Determines a winner by using a dictionary (hash) to compare key/value pairs.
Appends the outcome information to a user specific text document to record scores, which is named using the user name.
Multiple players can play and have separate recorded results, assuming they have different usernames
Offers the player a game play loop to retry the game and play Frank again without going through initial dialogue.
Possible Future Features:
Add a conditional to check if a text document already exists with the user's name. If so, prompt them to either continue or create a new username.
Add the choice to play a more complex rock paper scissors with more options.
Give Frank more functionality than just "random." Could take the user's last result (or more) and use that history to determine future moves.