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A SQL batch insert benchmark in .NET C# that varies the number of columns and rows per batch from 1 to ~1000.


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SQL Batch Insert Benchmark

A SQL batch insert benchmark in .NET C# that highlights a performance issue with the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient and System.Data.SqlClient providers. The issue has also been raised as dotnet/SqlClient#974

The benchmark:

  • Uses ExecuteNonQuery() and placeholder parameters (named or positional) to insert single row or multi-row batches

  • Varies the number of columns from 1 to 1024, and number of rows in each batch from 1 to 1000

  • Inserts into an un-indexed table

  • Uses SQL-92 syntax:

    INSERT INTO tablename (column-a, [column-b, ...])
    VALUES (@r0_c0, [@r0_c1, ...]),
           (@r1_c0, [@r1_c1, ...]),


  • At top of BatchInsert.cs:

    • If desired, define ASYNC, BOXEDINTVALUES, MINIMALPARAMETERNAME, PREPARE, and/or TRANSACTION to also test those (I saw no significant difference)
    • If desired, change _rowsPerStatements and _columnsPerRows to run fewer, more, or all test cases
    • Set connection strings _odbcCS (for the System.Data.Odbc provider) and _sqlClientCS (for the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient and System.Data.SqlClient providers)
      • Note: It's quite easy to extend the benchmark to other providers and databases
    • If needed, increase/decrease the _scaleNumberOfStatements constant to increase/decrease the run time of each test case
  • Run. On my old desktop this ran in 23 minutes. Switch from Job.ShortRun to Job.Dry to reduce overall run times.


I've tested with Windows 10, .NET5.0 and a local SQL Server 2019 database.

In the tests below I find a quite significant issue with performance (measured as inserted parameters per second) with the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient and System.Data.SqlClient providers. Their performance is progressively reduced from about 50+ parameters per statement.

Note: The 'waviness' at 1000 and 2000 parameters is just an effect of the 1000/1024 and 2000/2048 numbers being separated in the graph - see the table further down for details.

Average Throughput

Here are the detailed numbers, with the best numbers in bold:

Detailed Throughput

In summary:

  • Microsoft.Data.SqlClient and System.Data.SqlClient both show the same issue:
    • Performance is progressively reduced from about 50+ parameters per statement
    • Inserts reach peak performance at about 128 parameters per insert statement
    • With >128 parameters per insert statement, performance is increasingly reduced, with 2048 parameters being up to 7 times slower than with 128 parameters
    • With 128 or more parameters, the SQL Server process might be bottlenecked on CPU (it consumes just over one core of CPU, the same as the ODBC run, despite inserting rows up to 25 times slower than ODBC)
    • It also affects single row inserts (i.e. no batch), where M.D.SqlClient and S.D.SqlClient are 3.5 times slower at 1024 parameters vs. peak performance at 128 parameters
    • Using async (with ExecuteNonQueryAsync()), using IDbCommand.Prepare(), and/or wrapping each batch in an explicit transaction does not improve the performance (tested but not included in these results)
  • The System.Data.Odbc provider does not show this issue, and therefore has up to 25 times better performance than M.D.SqlClient and S.D.SqlClient (at 2048 parameters per statement)
  • Providers for other databases (tested, but not included in these results: MySql.Data.MySqlClient, MySqlConnector, Npgsql, System.Data.SQLite, some of which also use named parameters) also do not have this issue

Microsoft has a guideline that says use batch insert if <100 rows. This seems to be poor advice if you have wide rows. It would be better stated as use batch insert if <100 parameters. As that article points out, for larger volumes you get better performance via table valued parameters or bulk inserts.

Test Results

Microsoft.Data.SqlClient Version="2.1.1"
System.Data.Odbc Version="5.0.0"
System.Data.SqlClient Version="4.8.2"

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.12.1, OS=Windows 10.0.19042
Intel Core i7-4770K CPU 3.50GHz (Haswell), 1 CPU, 4 logical and 4 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=5.0.103
  [Host]   : .NET Core 5.0.3 (CoreCLR 5.0.321.7212, CoreFX 5.0.321.7212), X64 RyuJIT
  ShortRun : .NET Core 5.0.3 (CoreCLR 5.0.321.7212, CoreFX 5.0.321.7212), X64 RyuJIT

Job=ShortRun  IterationCount=3  LaunchCount=1  

Note: Microsoft=Microsoft.Data.SqlClient, Odbc=System.Data.Odbc, System=System.Data.SqlClient, RPS=Rows Per Statement, CPR=Columns Per Row, NOS=Number Of Statements.

provider RPS CPR NOS Mean Error StdDev Throughput [params/s] Throughput [rows/s]
Microsoft 1 1 800 158.81 ms 37.250 ms 2.042 ms 5037 5037
Microsoft 1 2 1049 206.62 ms 23.500 ms 1.288 ms 10154 5077
Microsoft 1 4 1000 200.54 ms 25.796 ms 1.414 ms 19947 4987
Microsoft 1 8 848 170.84 ms 16.493 ms 0.904 ms 39709 4964
Microsoft 1 16 679 144.08 ms 30.070 ms 1.648 ms 75400 4713
Microsoft 1 32 526 116.69 ms 7.200 ms 0.395 ms 144243 4508
Microsoft 1 64 399 113.60 ms 15.656 ms 0.858 ms 224783 3512
Microsoft 1 128 325 176.28 ms 9.535 ms 0.523 ms 235983 1844
Microsoft 1 256 153 194.55 ms 8.118 ms 0.445 ms 201325 786
Microsoft 1 512 67 259.80 ms 8.238 ms 0.452 ms 132038 258
Microsoft 1 1024 24 324.21 ms 9.158 ms 0.502 ms 75802 74
Microsoft 2 1 1049 208.09 ms 12.316 ms 0.675 ms 10082 10082
Microsoft 2 2 1000 199.14 ms 9.892 ms 0.542 ms 20086 10043
Microsoft 2 4 848 180.12 ms 39.910 ms 2.188 ms 37663 9416
Microsoft 2 8 679 139.88 ms 7.616 ms 0.417 ms 77667 9708
Microsoft 2 16 526 119.92 ms 27.367 ms 1.500 ms 140357 8772
Microsoft 2 32 399 113.81 ms 14.236 ms 0.780 ms 224371 7012
Microsoft 2 64 325 165.10 ms 1.023 ms 0.056 ms 251975 3937
Microsoft 2 128 153 177.81 ms 23.887 ms 1.309 ms 220286 1721
Microsoft 2 256 67 230.77 ms 6.003 ms 0.329 ms 148651 581
Microsoft 2 512 24 289.26 ms 21.855 ms 1.198 ms 84961 166
Microsoft 2 1024 3 136.37 ms 4.091 ms 0.224 ms 45055 44
Microsoft 4 1 1000 206.06 ms 36.688 ms 2.011 ms 19412 19412
Microsoft 4 2 848 174.83 ms 21.395 ms 1.173 ms 38804 19402
Microsoft 4 4 679 144.02 ms 15.661 ms 0.858 ms 75434 18859
Microsoft 4 8 526 124.14 ms 86.268 ms 4.729 ms 135588 16948
Microsoft 4 16 399 115.59 ms 18.749 ms 1.028 ms 220915 13807
Microsoft 4 32 325 163.53 ms 31.603 ms 1.732 ms 254393 7950
Microsoft 4 64 153 178.80 ms 11.680 ms 0.640 ms 219055 3423
Microsoft 4 128 67 217.82 ms 8.324 ms 0.456 ms 157487 1230
Microsoft 4 256 24 267.55 ms 15.447 ms 0.847 ms 91857 359
Microsoft 4 512 3 127.91 ms 12.287 ms 0.673 ms 48034 94
Microsoft 8 1 848 179.24 ms 10.878 ms 0.596 ms 37849 37849
Microsoft 8 2 679 149.19 ms 24.459 ms 1.341 ms 72820 36410
Microsoft 8 4 526 122.83 ms 15.448 ms 0.847 ms 137032 34258
Microsoft 8 8 399 112.67 ms 6.802 ms 0.373 ms 226647 28331
Microsoft 8 16 325 161.92 ms 80.991 ms 4.439 ms 256911 16057
Microsoft 8 32 153 166.91 ms 137.716 ms 7.549 ms 234669 7333
Microsoft 8 64 67 212.00 ms 23.592 ms 1.293 ms 161808 2528
Microsoft 8 128 24 259.88 ms 19.262 ms 1.056 ms 94567 739
Microsoft 8 256 3 122.38 ms 5.911 ms 0.324 ms 50202 196
Microsoft 16 1 679 158.64 ms 2.144 ms 0.118 ms 68484 68484
Microsoft 16 2 526 129.32 ms 11.328 ms 0.621 ms 130163 65081
Microsoft 16 4 399 123.26 ms 74.689 ms 4.094 ms 207167 51792
Microsoft 16 8 325 154.71 ms 38.390 ms 2.104 ms 268899 33612
Microsoft 16 16 153 171.06 ms 9.222 ms 0.505 ms 228972 14311
Microsoft 16 32 67 219.03 ms 54.853 ms 3.007 ms 156615 4894
Microsoft 16 64 24 262.52 ms 48.654 ms 2.667 ms 93616 1463
Microsoft 16 128 3 122.43 ms 2.828 ms 0.155 ms 50182 392
Microsoft 32 1 526 152.38 ms 69.036 ms 3.784 ms 110457 110457
Microsoft 32 2 399 136.63 ms 11.013 ms 0.604 ms 186903 93451
Microsoft 32 4 325 170.49 ms 40.280 ms 2.208 ms 243999 61000
Microsoft 32 8 153 168.03 ms 5.170 ms 0.283 ms 233099 29137
Microsoft 32 16 67 221.52 ms 14.479 ms 0.794 ms 154857 9679
Microsoft 32 32 24 271.23 ms 7.038 ms 0.386 ms 90611 2832
Microsoft 32 64 3 126.91 ms 9.770 ms 0.536 ms 48411 756
Microsoft 64 1 399 157.76 ms 10.055 ms 0.551 ms 161864 161864
Microsoft 64 2 325 179.95 ms 16.051 ms 0.880 ms 231170 115585
Microsoft 64 4 153 169.79 ms 9.878 ms 0.541 ms 230679 57670
Microsoft 64 8 67 209.61 ms 13.999 ms 0.767 ms 163659 20457
Microsoft 64 16 24 264.86 ms 46.066 ms 2.525 ms 92789 5799
Microsoft 64 32 3 125.75 ms 7.520 ms 0.412 ms 48860 1527
Microsoft 128 1 325 225.72 ms 38.489 ms 2.110 ms 184301 184301
Microsoft 128 2 153 198.26 ms 31.494 ms 1.726 ms 197562 98781
Microsoft 128 4 67 229.94 ms 7.064 ms 0.387 ms 149188 37297
Microsoft 128 8 24 259.44 ms 37.410 ms 2.051 ms 94728 11841
Microsoft 128 16 3 120.93 ms 6.896 ms 0.378 ms 50807 3175
Microsoft 256 1 153 229.11 ms 61.015 ms 3.344 ms 170957 170957
Microsoft 256 2 67 238.72 ms 108.283 ms 5.935 ms 143702 71851
Microsoft 256 4 24 274.81 ms 107.012 ms 5.866 ms 89430 22357
Microsoft 256 8 3 128.00 ms 8.527 ms 0.467 ms 48002 6000
Microsoft 512 1 67 275.14 ms 50.970 ms 2.794 ms 124677 124677
Microsoft 512 2 24 287.38 ms 5.329 ms 0.292 ms 85517 42758
Microsoft 512 4 3 128.01 ms 8.426 ms 0.462 ms 47996 11999
Microsoft 1000 1 25 311.19 ms 163.562 ms 8.965 ms 80336 80336
Microsoft 1000 2 3 121.01 ms 49.775 ms 2.728 ms 49581 24790
System 1 1 800 155.79 ms 2.915 ms 0.160 ms 5135 5135
System 1 2 1049 202.32 ms 7.799 ms 0.427 ms 10369 5185
System 1 4 1000 196.58 ms 19.720 ms 1.081 ms 20348 5087
System 1 8 848 171.84 ms 28.781 ms 1.578 ms 39478 4935
System 1 16 679 142.73 ms 2.963 ms 0.162 ms 76113 4757
System 1 32 526 120.41 ms 3.186 ms 0.175 ms 139790 4368
System 1 64 399 116.82 ms 88.615 ms 4.857 ms 218589 3415
System 1 128 325 167.37 ms 41.454 ms 2.272 ms 248550 1942
System 1 256 153 195.21 ms 48.612 ms 2.665 ms 200650 784
System 1 512 67 259.62 ms 33.495 ms 1.836 ms 132130 258
System 1 1024 24 322.14 ms 12.727 ms 0.698 ms 76289 75
System 2 1 1049 209.46 ms 47.729 ms 2.616 ms 10016 10016
System 2 2 1000 196.67 ms 19.805 ms 1.086 ms 20338 10169
System 2 4 848 175.68 ms 36.995 ms 2.028 ms 38615 9654
System 2 8 679 143.85 ms 5.528 ms 0.303 ms 75521 9440
System 2 16 526 121.93 ms 3.872 ms 0.212 ms 138046 8628
System 2 32 399 114.93 ms 8.434 ms 0.462 ms 222196 6944
System 2 64 325 157.32 ms 20.236 ms 1.109 ms 264428 4132
System 2 128 153 184.64 ms 5.482 ms 0.300 ms 212130 1657
System 2 256 67 234.35 ms 13.457 ms 0.738 ms 146377 572
System 2 512 24 286.28 ms 16.171 ms 0.886 ms 85846 168
System 2 1024 3 136.49 ms 5.208 ms 0.285 ms 45016 44
System 4 1 1000 201.83 ms 27.603 ms 1.513 ms 19818 19818
System 4 2 848 177.17 ms 212.157 ms 11.629 ms 38290 19145
System 4 4 679 141.78 ms 8.483 ms 0.465 ms 76623 19156
System 4 8 526 121.76 ms 25.313 ms 1.388 ms 138242 17280
System 4 16 399 114.51 ms 20.375 ms 1.117 ms 223003 13938
System 4 32 325 154.66 ms 4.129 ms 0.226 ms 268986 8406
System 4 64 153 172.29 ms 34.212 ms 1.875 ms 227340 3552
System 4 128 67 227.57 ms 13.432 ms 0.736 ms 150742 1178
System 4 256 24 278.90 ms 76.095 ms 4.171 ms 88116 344
System 4 512 3 127.06 ms 2.078 ms 0.114 ms 48356 94
System 8 1 848 179.01 ms 10.841 ms 0.594 ms 37897 37897
System 8 2 679 148.97 ms 25.218 ms 1.382 ms 72927 36464
System 8 4 526 125.10 ms 34.307 ms 1.880 ms 134552 33638
System 8 8 399 117.79 ms 39.435 ms 2.162 ms 216790 27099
System 8 16 325 149.81 ms 48.855 ms 2.678 ms 277676 17355
System 8 32 153 166.88 ms 6.788 ms 0.372 ms 234712 7335
System 8 64 67 220.05 ms 16.147 ms 0.885 ms 155892 2436
System 8 128 24 270.56 ms 1.581 ms 0.087 ms 90834 710
System 8 256 3 125.20 ms 44.497 ms 2.439 ms 49074 192
System 16 1 679 159.46 ms 19.945 ms 1.093 ms 68130 68130
System 16 2 526 130.68 ms 5.777 ms 0.317 ms 128807 64404
System 16 4 399 118.50 ms 15.117 ms 0.829 ms 215487 53872
System 16 8 325 154.50 ms 55.119 ms 3.021 ms 269253 33657
System 16 16 153 169.15 ms 10.350 ms 0.567 ms 231557 14472
System 16 32 67 219.75 ms 15.807 ms 0.866 ms 156104 4878
System 16 64 24 269.86 ms 10.351 ms 0.567 ms 91069 1423
System 16 128 3 127.55 ms 8.777 ms 0.481 ms 48168 376
System 32 1 526 150.31 ms 40.813 ms 2.237 ms 111979 111979
System 32 2 399 131.20 ms 13.481 ms 0.739 ms 194629 97315
System 32 4 325 165.81 ms 12.363 ms 0.678 ms 250893 62723
System 32 8 153 166.85 ms 8.382 ms 0.459 ms 234750 29344
System 32 16 67 219.81 ms 15.667 ms 0.859 ms 156065 9754
System 32 32 24 270.15 ms 18.929 ms 1.038 ms 90973 2843
System 32 64 3 126.96 ms 6.023 ms 0.330 ms 48392 756
System 64 1 399 152.55 ms 35.613 ms 1.952 ms 167390 167390
System 64 2 325 185.31 ms 12.398 ms 0.680 ms 224486 112243
System 64 4 153 171.28 ms 33.313 ms 1.826 ms 228680 57170
System 64 8 67 208.20 ms 12.554 ms 0.688 ms 164766 20596
System 64 16 24 256.76 ms 2.494 ms 0.137 ms 95716 5982
System 64 32 3 120.77 ms 2.603 ms 0.143 ms 50872 1590
System 128 1 325 221.75 ms 13.104 ms 0.718 ms 187595 187595
System 128 2 153 196.11 ms 11.588 ms 0.635 ms 199723 99861
System 128 4 67 217.31 ms 4.966 ms 0.272 ms 157860 39465
System 128 8 24 260.47 ms 31.556 ms 1.730 ms 94353 11794
System 128 16 3 120.64 ms 4.333 ms 0.237 ms 50927 3183
System 256 1 153 223.17 ms 10.381 ms 0.569 ms 175507 175507
System 256 2 67 234.42 ms 26.510 ms 1.453 ms 146338 73169
System 256 4 24 266.06 ms 2.041 ms 0.112 ms 92369 23092
System 256 8 3 122.60 ms 3.393 ms 0.186 ms 50113 6264
System 512 1 67 259.35 ms 43.787 ms 2.400 ms 132267 132267
System 512 2 24 279.73 ms 183.546 ms 10.061 ms 87855 43928
System 512 4 3 123.11 ms 3.495 ms 0.192 ms 49908 12477
System 1000 1 25 290.31 ms 13.755 ms 0.754 ms 86115 86115
System 1000 2 3 119.35 ms 13.027 ms 0.714 ms 50271 25136
Odbc 1 1 800 164.51 ms 10.081 ms 0.553 ms 4863 4863
Odbc 1 2 1049 220.37 ms 25.020 ms 1.371 ms 9520 4760
Odbc 1 4 1000 210.82 ms 8.950 ms 0.491 ms 18974 4743
Odbc 1 8 848 179.63 ms 18.732 ms 1.027 ms 37767 4721
Odbc 1 16 679 146.10 ms 1.816 ms 0.100 ms 74358 4647
Odbc 1 32 526 117.33 ms 1.728 ms 0.095 ms 143455 4483
Odbc 1 64 399 97.44 ms 3.170 ms 0.174 ms 262060 4095
Odbc 1 128 299 101.87 ms 116.179 ms 6.368 ms 375694 2935
Odbc 1 256 223 98.03 ms 11.745 ms 0.644 ms 582339 2275
Odbc 1 512 165 102.18 ms 3.773 ms 0.207 ms 826769 1615
Odbc 1 1024 121 117.00 ms 7.324 ms 0.401 ms 1059024 1034
Odbc 2 1 1049 223.74 ms 18.572 ms 1.018 ms 9377 9377
Odbc 2 2 1000 210.92 ms 0.623 ms 0.034 ms 18964 9482
Odbc 2 4 848 178.94 ms 5.654 ms 0.310 ms 37911 9478
Odbc 2 8 679 148.28 ms 2.446 ms 0.134 ms 73267 9158
Odbc 2 16 526 121.06 ms 20.703 ms 1.135 ms 139039 8690
Odbc 2 32 399 98.01 ms 3.431 ms 0.188 ms 260550 8142
Odbc 2 64 299 94.05 ms 18.869 ms 1.034 ms 406918 6358
Odbc 2 128 223 94.55 ms 9.620 ms 0.527 ms 603800 4717
Odbc 2 256 165 96.70 ms 0.544 ms 0.030 ms 873615 3413
Odbc 2 512 121 116.70 ms 26.288 ms 1.441 ms 1061762 2074
Odbc 2 1024 89 152.15 ms 31.404 ms 1.721 ms 1197958 1170
Odbc 4 1 1000 217.80 ms 26.385 ms 1.446 ms 18366 18366
Odbc 4 2 848 182.30 ms 24.435 ms 1.339 ms 37213 18607
Odbc 4 4 679 151.56 ms 19.579 ms 1.073 ms 71680 17920
Odbc 4 8 526 120.17 ms 8.092 ms 0.444 ms 140070 17509
Odbc 4 16 399 96.42 ms 7.353 ms 0.403 ms 264849 16553
Odbc 4 32 299 100.20 ms 16.322 ms 0.895 ms 381950 11936
Odbc 4 64 223 88.51 ms 9.063 ms 0.497 ms 645020 10078
Odbc 4 128 165 99.26 ms 21.813 ms 1.196 ms 851078 6649
Odbc 4 256 121 117.13 ms 51.079 ms 2.800 ms 1057789 4132
Odbc 4 512 89 160.47 ms 18.596 ms 1.019 ms 1135864 2218
Odbc 8 1 848 193.64 ms 32.145 ms 1.762 ms 35034 35034
Odbc 8 2 679 160.02 ms 97.933 ms 5.368 ms 67892 33946
Odbc 8 4 526 122.25 ms 7.577 ms 0.415 ms 137683 34421
Odbc 8 8 399 101.38 ms 6.526 ms 0.358 ms 251887 31486
Odbc 8 16 299 95.67 ms 49.480 ms 2.712 ms 400032 25002
Odbc 8 32 223 95.76 ms 18.634 ms 1.021 ms 596174 18630
Odbc 8 64 165 103.02 ms 8.750 ms 0.480 ms 820018 12813
Odbc 8 128 121 117.78 ms 15.304 ms 0.839 ms 1051957 8218
Odbc 8 256 89 178.02 ms 540.597 ms 29.632 ms 1023884 4000
Odbc 16 1 679 167.51 ms 76.926 ms 4.217 ms 64856 64856
Odbc 16 2 526 144.85 ms 363.412 ms 19.920 ms 116203 58102
Odbc 16 4 399 105.17 ms 11.261 ms 0.617 ms 242805 60701
Odbc 16 8 299 93.30 ms 10.128 ms 0.555 ms 410216 51277
Odbc 16 16 223 100.02 ms 4.947 ms 0.271 ms 570772 35673
Odbc 16 32 165 103.94 ms 11.023 ms 0.604 ms 812808 25400
Odbc 16 64 121 120.20 ms 59.722 ms 3.274 ms 1030821 16107
Odbc 16 128 89 157.48 ms 4.431 ms 0.243 ms 1157425 9042
Odbc 32 1 526 145.48 ms 41.379 ms 2.268 ms 115704 115704
Odbc 32 2 399 119.98 ms 116.906 ms 6.408 ms 212835 106417
Odbc 32 4 299 108.41 ms 27.943 ms 1.532 ms 353019 88255
Odbc 32 8 223 104.65 ms 4.277 ms 0.234 ms 545526 68191
Odbc 32 16 165 108.31 ms 35.424 ms 1.942 ms 779961 48748
Odbc 32 32 121 121.81 ms 28.085 ms 1.539 ms 1017186 31787
Odbc 32 64 89 161.43 ms 11.006 ms 0.603 ms 1129092 17642
Odbc 64 1 399 142.15 ms 83.033 ms 4.551 ms 179647 179647
Odbc 64 2 299 129.75 ms 9.320 ms 0.511 ms 294978 147489
Odbc 64 4 223 115.35 ms 11.133 ms 0.610 ms 494932 123733
Odbc 64 8 165 116.82 ms 47.815 ms 2.621 ms 723191 90399
Odbc 64 16 121 124.66 ms 11.766 ms 0.645 ms 993962 62123
Odbc 64 32 89 157.01 ms 24.200 ms 1.326 ms 1160877 36277
Odbc 128 1 299 162.44 ms 16.424 ms 0.900 ms 235604 235604
Odbc 128 2 223 141.31 ms 10.269 ms 0.563 ms 403984 201992
Odbc 128 4 165 138.22 ms 24.180 ms 1.325 ms 611186 152797
Odbc 128 8 121 146.57 ms 14.631 ms 0.802 ms 845369 105671
Odbc 128 16 89 178.21 ms 24.142 ms 1.323 ms 1022778 63924
Odbc 256 1 223 196.48 ms 23.805 ms 1.305 ms 290557 290557
Odbc 256 2 165 174.49 ms 31.064 ms 1.703 ms 484150 242075
Odbc 256 4 121 168.09 ms 27.663 ms 1.516 ms 737137 184284
Odbc 256 8 89 187.45 ms 6.378 ms 0.350 ms 972373 121547
Odbc 512 1 165 256.29 ms 27.059 ms 1.483 ms 329625 329625
Odbc 512 2 121 222.90 ms 271.299 ms 14.871 ms 555866 277933
Odbc 512 4 89 237.65 ms 9.221 ms 0.505 ms 766980 191745
Odbc 1000 1 123 338.23 ms 131.794 ms 7.224 ms 363660 363660
Odbc 1000 2 90 319.80 ms 88.131 ms 4.831 ms 562857 281428


A SQL batch insert benchmark in .NET C# that varies the number of columns and rows per batch from 1 to ~1000.





