Project done in collaboration with Rodrigo Ramos
1- Installing dependencies
sudo apt-get install make xorg libxext-dev zlib1g-dev libbsd-dev
2- Clone this repository:
git clone
3- Navigate to lvl_4_cub3D and run make
cd 42_cub3D/lvl_4_cub3D && make
4- make clean
so that you don't keep those object files that you won't need anymore
make clean
5- Run cub3D with your desired map
./cub3D scenes/<map_of_your_choice>.cub
ESC - Quit cub3D
WASD / Arrows - Player movement
Mouse - Change Player's POV
Scene elements:
'NO' - North texture file path;
'SO' - South texture file path;
'EA' - East texture file path;
'WE' - West texture file path;
'F' - Floor color in RGB;
'C' - Ceiling color in RGB;
'0' - Free space;
'1' - Wall;
'N', 'S', 'E', 'W' - Player's starting position
(and which coordinate he will be facing at spawn);
To be valid, a scene must respect the following:
- Be in .cub file extension;
- All textures must be 64x64 and in .xpm file extension;
The map must:
- Be composed only by valid characters;
- Be closed by walls;
- Contain only one Player;
(You can check examples of valid scenes on 42_cub3D/lvl_4_cub3D/scenes);
Subject: cub3D en_subject
or make all
- compiles cub3D
make clean
- wipes all object files
make fclean
- deletes cub3D and all object files
make re
- fclean + all
This project was developed for Linux. Although we've added conditional compilation and mlx for macOS (which do not have some functions that Linux has), it was for development and test purposes.
mlx_mouse_hide() has memory leaks product of the mlx library, you can't in any way solve them.
So that's why running this cub3D on a sucessful run with valgrind outputs exactly 28,772 still reachable bytes in 293 blocks.
If you wish to check valgrind without the boycotted memory leakage comment mlx_mouse_hide() on line 26 of main.c
What is Raycasting?
Raycasting implementation
Mlx documentation
At 42School, almost every project must be written in accordance to the Norm, the schools' coding standard. As a result, the implementation of certain parts may appear strange and for sure had room for improvement.
Made by Nuno Carvalho (Kuninoto) |