PyQ brings the Python programming language to the kdb+ database. Part of the Fusion for kdb+ interface collection.
It allows developers to integrate Python and q codes seamlessly in one application. This is achieved by bringing the Python and q interpreters into the same process so that code written in either of the languages operates on the same data. In PyQ, Python and q objects live in the same memory space and share the same data.
Please report issues in this repository.
pip install pyq
See detailed installation instructions.
For Python programmers:
>>> from pyq import q
>>> 1 + q.til(10)
k('1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10')
or run your Python script as
pyq [python options] python-script
For q programmers:
q)p)from math import hypot / prefix python code with p)
q)p)q.h = hypot / import a python function
q)h 3 4 / call the python function from q
📂 docs
Use tox to run tests.
cd path/to/pyq/source