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A C++20 library to interface with a ADS1115. This library should also work with a ADS1113/4 (with some functions not working due to hardware restraints). The library may or may not also works with the lower resolution variants ADS1013/4/5.

Getting Started

Add the library as a submodule to your source tree and add something like the following to your CMakeLists.txt.

target_link_libraries(my_application PRIVATE ads1115::ads1115)

Create a ADS1115 object with the path to the i2c device and a enum describing to which pin the address pin of the ADS1115 is connected. The enum can also be created by a static_cast of the address of the ADS1115.

#include "ads1115/ads1115.hpp"
#include "ads1115/parameters.hpp"

int main(){
  ADS1115::ADS1115 ads{1,
                       ADS1115::ADDR::GND /* or static_cast<ADS1115::ADDR>(0x48)*/ };

To configure the ADS1115 create a Config object. This object is initialized with the default settings of the ADS1115.

ADS1115::ADS1115 ads{1, ADS1115::ADDR::GND};
ADS1115::Config conf{};

In the same way the comparator thresholds can be set by creating a Threshold object. The default constructor will initialize the high an low thresholds with the defaults.

ADS1115::ADS1115 ads{1, ADS1115::ADDR::GND};
ADS1115::Threshold thresh{-16, 16};

The configuration and the thresholds can also be read from the ADS1115 by calling ADS1115::readRegConfig and ADS1115::readRegThreshold respectively. This is done when the ADS1115 object is created, so that the object and hardware are never out of sync.

To read from the ADS1115 the methods int16_t ADS1115::read and double ADS1115::readVoltage are provided. The ADS1115::read method returns the raw value of the conversion register (which is a int16_t) and the ADS1115::readVoltage returns the value of the conversion register converted to volts with respect to the current setting of the internal PGA of the ADS1115.

More documentation can be found here.


As this library was build with the aim to keep my plants alive, feel free to open Issues and PRs. The only thing I ask of you is to somewhat keep to the naming scheme and run clang-format on the edited source files.