Make sure you have
,python(>=3.8, <3.10)
installed. Preferably within a virtual environment.pip install poetry
Install dependencies
cd coarl-counterspeech poetry install git init git add . git commit -m "add: initial commit."
To set up the dataset and prepare the environment for preprocessing and other pipelines, please follow the steps below.
- Ensure you have a Huggingface account and access to the IntentConanV2 dataset Aswini123/IntentCONANv2.
- Huggingface's
library and the required dependencies must be installed. You can install them with the following command:
pip install datasets
Run the setup script:
The setup script will:
- Prompt you to log in to your Huggingface account.
- Download the IntentConanV2 dataset from Huggingface.
- Execute data preprocessing and other prompt-related pipelines necessary for the project.
To run the setup script, use the following command:
bash setup.sh
Login to Huggingface:
Upon running the script, you will be prompted to log in to your Huggingface account. Make sure you have the necessary access to the dataset - https://huggingface.co/datasets/Aswini123/IntentCONANv2
huggingface-cli login
Dataset Download and Preprocessing:
After successful login, the script will automatically download the IntentConanV2 dataset and run the required data preprocessing.
Once the project/data
folder is populated with the necessary data, you can train the following pipelines by running the respective scripts:
Multitask Pipeline: Run the multitask training pipeline by executing:
bash multitask.sh
PEFT (Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning) Pipeline: Run the PEFT training pipeline by executing:
bash peft.sh
PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization) Pipeline: Run the PPO training pipeline by executing:
bash ppo.sh
Make sure that the project/data
folder is fully populated before running any of these scripts.
File | Description |
project | Main directory containing all the code |
project/creds | Directory containing all API access credentials ( project-debator / open-ai / aws) |
project/runs | Directory to keep track of all model runs (train / eval). For each run, we store the best_model, classfication args, eval results, metrics, etc. |
project/utils | Program containing utility functions |
project/constants | Program for accessing costant variables, shared variables or default configs |
CHANGELOG.md | Track changes in the code, datasets, etc. |
LICENSE | Need to update |
pyproject.toml | Track dependencies here. Also, this means you would be using poetry. |
README.md | This must ring a bell. |
If you find this repository useful in your research, please cite the following paper:
title={Intent-conditioned and Non-toxic Counterspeech Generation using Multi-Task Instruction Tuning with RLAIF},
author={Amey Hengle and Aswini Kumar and Sahajpreet Singh and Anil Bandhakavi and Md Shad Akhtar and Tanmoy Chakroborty},