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WIP: update mesh-part to use the new trait system
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hhirtz committed Mar 17, 2022
1 parent 1eaa5b4 commit 6347410
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Showing 3 changed files with 126 additions and 154 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Cargo.lock

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tools/Cargo.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,3 +30,4 @@ anyhow = { version = "1", default-features = false, features = ["std"] }
# Other utilities
itertools = { version = "0.10", default-features = false }
num = { version = "0.4", default-features = false }
rayon = "1.3"
278 changes: 124 additions & 154 deletions tools/src/bin/mesh-part/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,75 +1,29 @@
use anyhow::Context as _;
use anyhow::Result;
use coupe::RunInfo;
use coupe::Partition as _;
use coupe::PointND;
use mesh_io::medit::Mesh;
use mesh_io::weight;
use mesh_io::weight::Array;
use rayon::iter::IntoParallelRefIterator as _;
use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator as _;
use std::env;
use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::iter::Sum;

macro_rules! coupe_part {
( $algo:expr, $dimension:expr, $points:expr, $weights:expr ) => {{
match $dimension {
2 => {
coupe::Partitioner::<2>::partition(&$algo, $points.as_slice(), $weights).into_ids()
3 => {
coupe::Partitioner::<3>::partition(&$algo, $points.as_slice(), $weights).into_ids()
_ => anyhow::bail!("only 2D and 3D meshes are supported"),
( $algo:expr, $problem:expr ) => {{
let weights: Vec<f64> = match &$problem.weights {
weight::Array::Floats(ws) => ws.iter().map(|weight| weight[0]).collect(),
weight::Array::Integers(_) => anyhow::bail!("integers are not supported by coupe yet"),
coupe_part!($algo, $problem.dimension, $problem.points, &weights)
struct Problem<const D: usize, W> {
points: Vec<PointND<D>>,
weights: Vec<Vec<W>>,

macro_rules! coupe_part_improve {
( $algo:expr, $partition:expr, $dimension:expr, $points:expr, $weights:expr ) => {{
let ids = match $dimension {
2 => {
let points = coupe::PointsView::to_points_nd($points.as_slice());
let partition =
coupe::partition::Partition::from_ids(points, $weights, $partition.to_vec());
coupe::PartitionImprover::<2>::improve_partition(&$algo, partition).into_ids()
3 => {
let points = coupe::PointsView::to_points_nd($points.as_slice());
let partition =
coupe::partition::Partition::from_ids(points, $weights, $partition.to_vec());
coupe::PartitionImprover::<3>::improve_partition(&$algo, partition).into_ids()
_ => anyhow::bail!("only 2D and 3D meshes are supported"),
( $algo:expr, $partition:expr, $problem:expr ) => {{
let weights: Vec<f64> = match &$problem.weights {
weight::Array::Floats(ws) => ws.iter().map(|weight| weight[0]).collect(),
weight::Array::Integers(_) => anyhow::bail!("integers are not supported by coupe yet"),
type Algorithm<const D: usize, W> = Box<dyn FnMut(&mut [usize], &Problem<D, W>) -> Result<()>>;

struct Problem {
dimension: usize,
points: Vec<f64>,
weights: weight::Array,

type Algorithm = Box<dyn FnMut(&mut [usize], &Problem) -> Result<RunInfo>>;

fn parse_algorithm(spec: String) -> Result<Algorithm> {
fn parse_algorithm<const D: usize, W>(spec: String) -> Result<Algorithm<D, W>>
W: Copy + Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + Default,
W: Ord + Sum + num::traits::NumAssign + num::ToPrimitive,
let mut args = spec.split(',');
let name ="empty algorithm spec")?;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,115 +54,94 @@ fn parse_algorithm(spec: String) -> Result<Algorithm> {
bytes.resize(32_usize, 0_u8);
let mut rng = rand_pcg::Pcg64::from_seed(seed);
let rng = rand_pcg::Pcg64::from_seed(seed);
let algo = coupe::Random { rng, part_count };
Box::new(move |partition, problem| {
let algo = coupe::Random::new(&mut rng, part_count);
let weights = vec![0.0; problem.points.len()];
let ids = coupe_part!(algo, problem.dimension, problem.points, &weights);
algo.partition(partition, ())?;
"greedy" => {
let part_count = required(usize_arg(;
let algo = coupe::Greedy {
part_count: required(usize_arg(,
Box::new(move |partition, problem| {
let ids = coupe_part!(coupe::Greedy::new(part_count), problem);
algo.partition(partition, problem.weights.iter().map(|w| w[0]))?;
"kk" => {
let part_count = required(usize_arg(;
let algo = coupe::KarmarkarKarp {
part_count: required(usize_arg(,
Box::new(move |partition, problem| {
let ids = coupe_part!(coupe::KarmarkarKarp::new(part_count), problem);
algo.partition(partition, problem.weights.iter().map(|w| w[0]))?;
"vn-best" => {
let part_count = required(usize_arg(;
let algo = coupe::VnBest {
part_count: required(usize_arg(,
Box::new(move |partition, problem| {
coupe_part_improve!(coupe::VnBest::new(part_count), partition, problem);
algo.partition(partition, problem.weights.iter().map(|w| w[0]))?;
"rcb" => {
let iter_count = required(usize_arg(;
let algo = coupe::Rcb {
iter_count: required(usize_arg(,
Box::new(move |partition, problem| {
let ids = coupe_part!(coupe::Rcb::new(iter_count), problem);
problem.weights.par_iter().map(|w| w[0]),
"hilbert" => {
let num_partitions = required(usize_arg(;
let order = optional(usize_arg(, 12)? as u32;
Box::new(move |partition, problem| {
let algo = coupe::HilbertCurve {
let weights: Vec<f64> = match &problem.weights {
weight::Array::Floats(ws) => ws.iter().map(|weight| weight[0]).collect(),
weight::Array::Integers(_) => {
anyhow::bail!("hilbert is not implemented for integers")
let res = match problem.dimension {
2 => coupe::Partitioner::<2>::partition(
_ => anyhow::bail!("hilbert is only implemented in 2D"),
let algo = coupe::HilbertCurve {
part_count: required(usize_arg(,
order: optional(usize_arg(, 12)? as u32,
if D == 2 {
Box::new(move |partition, problem| {
let weights: Vec<_> = problem
.map(|w| w[0].to_f64().unwrap())
//algo.partition(partition, (&problem.points, &weights))?;
} else {
Box::new(move |partition, problem| anyhow::bail!("hilbert is restricted to 2D"))
_ => anyhow::bail!("unknown algorithm {:?}", name),

fn main() -> Result<()> {
let mut options = getopts::Options::new();
options.optflag("h", "help", "print this help menu");
"name of the algorithm to run, see ALGORITHMS",
options.optopt("m", "mesh", "mesh file", "FILE");
options.optopt("w", "weights", "weight file", "FILE");

let matches = options.parse(env::args().skip(1))?;

if matches.opt_present("h") {
eprintln!("{}", options.usage("Usage: mesh-part [options]"));
return Ok(());

let algorithms: Vec<_> = matches

let mesh_file = matches
.context("missing required option 'mesh'")?;
let mesh = mesh_io::medit::Mesh::from_file(mesh_file).context("failed to read mesh file")?;

fn main_d_w<const D: usize, W>(
matches: getopts::Matches,
mesh: Mesh,
weights: Vec<Vec<W>>,
) -> Result<()>
W: Copy + Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + Default,
W: Ord + Sum + num::traits::NumAssign + num::ToPrimitive,
let points: Vec<_> = mesh
.filter_map(|(element_type, nodes, _element_ref)| {
if element_type.dimension() != mesh.dimension() {
return None;
let mut barycentre = vec![0.0; mesh.dimension()];
let mut barycentre = [0.0; D];
for node_idx in nodes {
let node_coordinates = mesh.node(*node_idx);
for (bc_coord, node_coord) in barycentre.iter_mut().zip(node_coordinates) {
Expand All @@ -218,33 +151,70 @@ fn main() -> Result<()> {
for bc_coord in &mut barycentre {
*bc_coord = *bc_coord / nodes.len() as f64;

let mut partition = vec![0; points.len()];
let problem = Problem { points, weights };

for algorithm in matches.opt_strs("a") {
let mut algorithm = parse_algorithm(algorithm)?;
algorithm(&mut partition, &problem).context("failed to apply algorithm")?;

let stdout = io::stdout();
let stdout = stdout.lock();
let stdout = io::BufWriter::new(stdout);
mesh_io::partition::write(stdout, partition).context("failed to print partition")?;


fn main_d<const D: usize>(matches: getopts::Matches, mesh: Mesh) -> Result<()> {
let weight_file = matches
.context("missing required option 'weights'")?;
let weight_file = fs::File::open(weight_file).context("failed to open weight file")?;
let weight_file = io::BufReader::new(weight_file);
let weights = weight::read(weight_file).context("failed to read weight file")?;

let problem = Problem {
dimension: mesh.dimension(),
let mut partition = vec![0; problem.points.len() / problem.dimension];
match weights {
Array::Integers(is) => main_d_w(matches, mesh, is),
Array::Floats(fs) => main_d_w(matches, mesh, fs),

for mut algorithm in algorithms {
algorithm(&mut partition, &problem).context("failed to apply algorithm")?;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let mut options = getopts::Options::new();
options.optflag("h", "help", "print this help menu");
"name of the algorithm to run, see ALGORITHMS",
options.optopt("m", "mesh", "mesh file", "FILE");
options.optopt("w", "weights", "weight file", "FILE");

let matches = options.parse(env::args().skip(1))?;

if matches.opt_present("h") {
eprintln!("{}", options.usage("Usage: mesh-part [options]"));
return Ok(());

let stdout = io::stdout();
let stdout = stdout.lock();
let stdout = io::BufWriter::new(stdout);
mesh_io::partition::write(stdout, partition).context("failed to print partition")?;
let mesh_file = matches
.context("missing required option 'mesh'")?;
let mesh = Mesh::from_file(mesh_file).context("failed to read mesh file")?;

match mesh.dimension() {
2 => main_d::<2>(matches, mesh)?,
3 => main_d::<3>(matches, mesh)?,
n => anyhow::bail!("expected 2D or 3D mesh, got a {n}D mesh"),


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