Tsbenchmark is a distributed benchmark framework for time series forecasting (time series forecast) automatic machine learning (automl) algorithm.
Tsbenchmark supports both the time series feature and the automl feature. The time series prediction algorithm supports univariate prediction, multivariate prediction, and covariate benchmark. During operation, it supports the collection of optimal parameter combinations, providing support for the analysis of the automl framework. The framework supports distributed operation mode and has efficient running scoring efficiency. The framework integrates the lightweight distributed scheduling framework in hypernets and can be run in Python or CONDA environments. It is recommended to use CONDA as the environment management to support the environment isolation of different timing algorithms.
Basically, use the following 'pip' command to install tsbenchmark:
pip install tsbechmark
- tsbenchmark.yaml Benchmark global configuration
- players
- am_navie_player: Algorithm specific directory.
- exec.py: Required, Algorithm code to be tested.
- player.yaml: Required, metadata settings of algorithm.
tsbenchmark.yaml and Examples.
Integrate the running code of the algorithm to be scored: obtain the task, train the model, predict and feed back the prediction results through the API interface.
import tsbenchmark as tsb
task = tsb.api.get_task()
# Navie model see also players/plain_navie_player/exec.py
snavie = Navie().fit(task.get_train(), task.series_name)
df_forecast = snavie.predict(task.horizon)
tsb.api.send_report_data(task, df_forecast)
The personalized parameter setting of the algorithm can specify the running environment of the algorithm.
kind: custom_python
py_executable: /usr/anaconda3/envs/tsb-hyperts/bin/python
For more usage examples, please refer to Quick Start and Examples.
tsb run --config benchmark_example_remote.yaml
tsb -h
usage: tsb [-h] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [-error] [-warn] [-info] [-debug]
{run,compare} ...
tsb command is used to manage benchmarks
positional arguments:
run run benchmark
compare compare benchmark reports
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Console outputs:
--log-level LOG_LEVEL
logging level, default is INFO
-error alias of "--log-level=ERROR"
-warn alias of "--log-level=WARN"
-info alias of "--log-level=INFO"
-debug alias of "--log-level=DEBUG"
- Hypernets: A general automated machine learning (AutoML) framework.
- HyperGBM: A full pipeline AutoML tool integrated various GBM models.
- HyperDT/DeepTables: An AutoDL tool for tabular data.
- HyperTS: A full pipeline AutoML&AutoDL tool for time series datasets.
- HyperKeras: An AutoDL tool for Neural Architecture Search and Hyperparameter Optimization on Tensorflow and Keras.
- HyperBoard: A visualization tool for Hypernets.
- Cooka: Lightweight interactive AutoML system.
TSBenchmark is an open source project created by DataCanvas.