Solves the 4-color-map on MobaXterm.
If the game is running on the screen, this script will click in a solution.
Also, reads an image of the game and outputs the solution image of the game.
Also, reads a text file of a certain format) and outputs the solution
Uses python 3.5.
I use the Pycharm IDE to set all of the dependencies. File -> Settings -> Project -> Project Interpreter
I use anaconda's conda to create the virtual environment.
To install packages:
your_env/pip install -r requirements.txt
Conda may not have the packages that you want. In which case, we use pip install <package>. I do use Conda to get the specific python versions.
OR if you are in pycharm, just open up the pycharm and they will prompt you if you want to download the stuff in the requirements.txt
Run and the script will read the game screen and click in a solution. is used to read a specific image (hard-coded) and output an image (hard-coded) in the output folder.
You can also check out the "test" folder. In pycharm, right click it and run tests.
As a safety feature, a fail-safe feature is enabled by default. When pyautogui.FAILSAFE = True PyAutoGUI functions will raise a pyautogui.FailSafeException if the mouse cursor is in the upper left corner of the screen. If you lose control and need to stop the current PyAutoGUI function, keep moving the mouse cursor up and to the left.