A strategy game that simulates tribes.
This game uses Phaser 3.
This repository is under construction. This game will be published when completed
The art below is all placeholder art
- Git Clone repo. You will need to download "node package manager (NPM)" which comes with node.js (Download). In project root directory, type the following to install all of the necessary packages. Do this once.
npm install
- Open up a terminal and type the following to do: automatic code building on changes; automatic code checks through ESLint; deploy for browser use:
npm run dev
- Open up a browser and go here:
Note: Whenever you makes changes to your code, save the file, then refresh your browser when ready. If you want more ideas on how to use Phaser 3, clone the following repo link, run it locally using:
npm start
Side Note: I use Visual Studio Code. I also use the ESLint extension turned to autofix on save.